' RaiSe High the Roof Beam Carpenters...we're freaks,that al


J.D Salinger/no more pictures

re Blogged from Savage Eyes


winter . with a thud

__________________________think of your body. your elbows. leaning back.

(that way you're a lover )

(and not a stovepipe)

men and women sirens, satrys, nymphs, whole fat planets, sweet mutts, wild rodeos, lovers

 Men and women want to stand o n their hands

on their lips
lip to mouth
quim to cockadoodle doo
and ride them hefty
lover's hunks

stand beside each
sit pushups beside belly thigh ___ stand horizontally both ways
and that  is love's stand

this is just a thumbnail sketch of a  true dadaist who does not
believe in becomings bitter O lovers
but in the joyous release of goodbye a nd

call it a dada draft into the army of desire. a dada pullover a soft delire. a connect in the plane of heights and mirrors.


Till later next people

inside her cloth gown three of us  this then to say of which
its naked feel to lips of


captainf you want it. if you want it. come get it. big a

captainf you want it. if you want it. come get it. big an 

d mouth it. round your lIps. Honee. Crying to yourname around handed ass. you bargainf you want it. that way Aye! Aye! my captain aroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddd
b uttocksssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

it feel

---------------------------why you are an Infinitely

dans un boite

CaSe StuDy Homes

place A.Cohen à une trentaine de mètres de l 'hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (paris 15e) quelqu'un s'est installé hiver comme été dans cette "maison" en carton / real life is no cool|

------------------------------------CopIEd from

je promène mes yeux et je prends des photos donc je suis...

case study homes at Savage Eyesblogspot.com