Dis_______________________________>experiMEnts in time


Disarration is good.....doctor is perfect....:)
intangloed wif e a....graphic/al model....(:) She kiss stub:
wear groery billtobed. beddid what hand can
not not. at border station. lover

flet. Oh come around yer led. come all yafaithful. yer not daffodil. she came out of fidelit

:what is disarration? a crisscross between ... this and that... we wont say except to say as the text crosses its own becomings prevente your ownIdiOLectlanguage. yes. well that easier say than do. 

re-versing my dVerSingissarration desesoir
k tea. and am arevisinmy disseration. yes, a

in qua qua


sent his clearner back to thi s



                                                                                             You have been in bed with Mona the troubles of desire 

You are devising 


C;1; you meant to write: intaglioed as jeu de mot sur le phrase qui suive. commen "sweet thames...Suive thames joui jouiIr des .."