tristan tzara

collage 123

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_----------------------------------==============it _________were was to come

--------------------==============it _________were was------------------==============it _________were was to come to come

--------------------==============it _________were was------------------==============it _________were was to come to come

ere was to come to come
--------------------==============it _________were was------------------==============it _________were was to co

ere was to come to come
--------------------==============it _________were was------------------==============it _________were was to co

==it _________were was to co

ere was to come to come

who is

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_____________it were _____________was

it was D. day. Night to Dada. world. flying flung past its war piece.

unioned by lovers on beaches it carries flames and throwers. end this fair plague its busted shitted bodies over this .

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                                 its d day end of war. dada day. kiss dada                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                         kiss me. come to it. yer islands and penninsula swerve roun the                                                                               orgams you have kissed by my dada hovering roun your hanky panky lips

kiss dada kiss me. come to it. yer islands and penninsula swerve roun the orgams you have kissed by my dada h

terrible terrible    .. . sings red
                                  the futurist drops dead... 
 How is she those days?
       its frantic to be alive like that  innit?

e. come to it. yer islands and penninsula swerve roun the orgams 

e. come to it. yer islands and penninsula swerve roun the orgams 

----------------------------------------------------------------"TV-Bra for Living Sculpture" (1969) y "Chamber Music" (1969) -


nor can you explain or see that intensity's it's seeing carries it past time a virtual recreation of the body 
 cellist diva of the dark humourous waters... ChARLoTte MooRman

O this wondeRFul Artist and her performAnces cellist diva of the dark humourous waters... ChARLoTte MooRman

Nam June Paik y

________________________________aND oTHER iNfInItE sPACE
UnCovering ~
O covered bra
under the cello ~
and the TV bra f

living and breathing
& tasting

_________________ there be no denying the 60's thru that era was
a perio d of bold experiment and effort of beauty and art of many form shape and performance

m _ a _ c _ h_____________i_______N_____i----n=====g

___________________DaDA Dufff________________

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Oil on canvas, 1907

Les Demoiselles dAvignon. Oil on canvas, 1907