Miranda M



has she vanished into instagram!? instagram body! electronic dust not fleshly bust!



whats in a name fit to be loved

The girl's name Amanda \a-man-da, am(a)-nda\ is pronounced ah-MAN-dah. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "fit to be loved, lovable". Amanda first appeared on a 1212 birth record from Warwickshire, England.

Literary: poets and playwrights

brought this name into popular usage in the 17th century. The name was probably modelled on Miranda.

May also be used as a feminine form of Amandus, the name of a sixth-century French saint.

Actresses Amanda Plummer, Amanda Peet; pop musician Mandy Moore.

And as for the name Miranda, its sister name one might say,


One Bill ShagesPeare in a most particular play
the Tempest
brings the name to the fore
Miranda is Prospero's daughter,
so she is allegorically the daughter
of wealth and well being
