hence forwarding

for this that flog its flux over river and riant rain was hers over
winded ocean

pleasuring past its boated vessel ~ ~

response strawberry


respond respond in a row
history's great gatsby in a glow
row row
yr distant disaster toe
as pilloredand politics'll show
fly fly! said the eye

its crow's foot on the high blank goodbye!

siter's murphy's got a rainbow
rainbow rainbow
And in her eye it'll make her cry


our lady

Our lady of Penius pray for us now an d a t t h e hour of our dea th am e n


rite a banned lover book

in each one

in each one she's found her body ~
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dada wonder is the air of time.dada wonder is the air of time.dada wonder is the air of time.dada wonder is the air of time.dada wonder is the air of time.



Dada was born without shoe. Buckled to blue. I rub the air of her thought. her temple glow in night. She is dada to my muma . well we Roared in Laughter!

afafafterafterafter that


spiritual, sexy, cloying, clean, cambering, glamorous, fruit, steeple, railroad,, 2007how lovling, loverly, glad, cunning, hooking, reeling, tagging, tugging, taut, loose, chair, dye, wool, fabric, weather, dry, bone hoped, tea, zooming, bauhaus, ingenious, mouthful, kind, all the posts, are, have, been , continue, to , becoming, become become, yes, ye_ oui oui, oui, yes,ja, jawel,are, have, been , continue, to , becoming, become become, yes, ye_ oui oui, oui, yes,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,oui, oui, yes,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,ja, jawel,


pretty as yer kiss. was open. rose to her simple commingling to my arms.

its cobble-stepped avenue
your city city step avenue
as mouth
eat the eye
you're inside
as a

this there

this there
One XyKnight clomping along; retrograde her languages around her. Why clomp loud if lifted light her shoes. Over pills and windowsill. Such thing are not fractured by wind blowing the sheave. Of its . Its travello no longer seen her crysall ball a quart of light in swing. Swing Swing her shifting gown was says. Her analogy her analogical fingers can. Two night she came
her clombing over bedding swing her tooth to eye camera of Souther anus. Ride along that anus. She wear finger to finger off mouth, off-colour. Not sheer weight of surrealist dadaesque eye, beflowered by amaze. Come over there her mouth.

some thing seen again as loverleman wentaroundthe tour deblog

canadadadollars buy all . purchase valid in all square of Dominion de Canadadaadadada~~~

if she came her hair was on feu fie foe fum!

if she came

she came to open his hear t

her hurting was





















juxtaposition is your god in desire flood
canadadadollars buy all . purchase valid in all square of Dominion de Canadadaadadada~~~

she held his with .... her ...



rite a banned lover book

if s~he c'am e

if she came her hair was on feu fie foe fum!

if she came

she came to open his hear t

her hurting was





















brim A ~ PhioNe

riding rode

when the loverleman found a horse . she was rivered .
to night. gathered to geese. her thighs.

were only air to breath his mouth
call riding riding riding
she rode his rode his rodeo rodeo
she did and he rode rode her rodeO

each night was a sea pulling back
pulling back
from the tip top pavement she wanted
his horse
her glasses
her glasses
were won
were won
were One

beat in the street
in the street


in the bed
the bed
they were one rhythm in the sheets the sheets

her leman's leman
was none to deliver
none to give
her leman lover was hand on her belly
her cloying belly

like any lovers can
they do they do and do do do do

the alpha-betwit of wish kiss
around the hip lissome as do do and do she
do do do

glass. glas, gloss

As dad a worked her way. she became the summering sand.

found flying nose air roll over windy days & nights!

If the arrow is flying 'nose up' then the wind drag force acts to lift the arrow with a head wind and drive the arrow down with a tail wind.... The reverse applies if the arrow is flying 'nose down'.... When you shoot an arrow its starts off flying nose up and ends up flying nose down. How much of its flight the arrow spends nose up as opposed to nose down depends on how fast the arrow rotates.....

o my flucsters

O my f_lucksters in the wheel of dizzy!
what is it the ebb which flowed in the hip hop of yer swivelled thigh? Is this yer lover body wedding bow blue ? coming to my heart singing to your rain scampering the street around the dark flowed flawed come around muSEuM - we are a river of jungle and frame _ Is this way flood?

Only Dada can phone the machine a watch watch watch. As the page unfull.

dada was never flux

Dada was never flux as a good thing go bad as canned heat
er flux as a good thing go bad as canned heat

a was never flux
ng go ba
a was ne
ing go b

OYuR altered Dicta

JE prefer empty connectings

|we love he her more and more more more and more each dicta is hilarious delire of fire to speed the bicylthey thought we was selling brushese thru the museum . we take apartment and sidewalk ae her more and more more more and more each dicta is hilarious delire of fire to speed the bicyle thru the museum . we take apartment and sidewalk as the musical performance of the meow meow moment of ~ its fluNkEe

partment and sidewalk as the musical perfors the musical performance of the meow meow moment of ~ its floODy.

ore more more and more each dicta is hilarious delire of fire to speed the bicyle thru the museum . we take apartment and sidewalk as the musical performance of the meow meow moment of ~ its flANKN.

e her more and more more more and more each dicta is hilarious delire of fire to speed the bicyle thru the museum . we take apartment and sidewalk as the musical performance of the meow meow moment of ~ its flew.

ore more more and more each dicta is hilarious delire of fire to speed the bicyle thru the museum . we take apartment and sidewalk as the musical performance of the meow meow moment of ~ its flow.
paper SOunds of Orchestra

white wall black face

as white wall black eye hold. wear it shining crossed yer cataphonia

what beats come merging text.

no body_ u need to reconsider the folded fair of face Visage.

when she came home someday nobody found somebody thereafter they was someone. a paragraph ended with teletype song. a period paragraph strong as a

song. no_one's nobody was someone somebody.

as ot

the very first bad poet was you yo recall? how you snap
dead as worsted wool? reckon yer brain'sup yer fundament

this was yer longly bar code
as it was in the start so it can be but a n end



we ve no big word. not as mawkish as all that we forogot foroggogogato


metro dada wander signifier

Indeed dada programmeist. versist.

Do not approach doors?
Portes sur Poets?

colour testing testing testing colour testing becomin.....

TaKinG thE BriM_ TooK thE BrOoM

Is dada a fair colour crossed the navel?

crossed the navel?

  • crossed the navel?


One hundred seven years ago. birth of a new nation new idea. in 77 it seemed so further away. Now 10 7 seem less far more closer as the bicameral mind cut it corner making lip to closer con its cunning cord of twined time its rubber stamp appeal of love and .


luck + f

o my f_lucksterS

O my f_lucksters in the wheel of dizzy!
what is it the ebb which flowed in the hip hop of yer swivelled thigh? Is this yer lover body wedding bow blue ? coming to my heart singing to your rain scampering the street around the dark flowed flawed come around muSEuM - we are a river of jungle and frame _ Is this way flood?the wheel of dizzy!
what is it the ebb which flowed in the hip hop of yer swivelled thigh? Is this yer lover body wedding bow blue ? coming to my heart singing to your rain scampering the street around the dark flowed flawed come around muSEuM - we are a river



dada knew she was tired of being a man she became-woman as devenir as she could get to the veer of its vaulting four-wheeling in theE cockamamie sun _ her tugged of poor selves blinkered at the stop of ruin .

dada was winged to her pregnant self

sir then sir then!

peace be on hold ya!

yer dada is mama a mamafesto for every tourney to

un bilan de programme not a festo every again
but a festoon of ridges, trestles and twos.


gropin ~ gs

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broom said...

grouping is close to groping? I grope all flux!
Broom is my other bloom~ . flux of vowel

September 4, 2007 2:28 PM
broom said...

as in bloomers ~!

September 4, 2007 2:28 PM

When I read the law, the forming of certain groups is allowed. I don't see why grouping should not be allowed here. Aren't we all in the same group here?

Group: Gruppo , группа , 그룹 , グループ

Yes, Group is a word allowed in any language. I say, lets vote on this. Grouping is allowed!

posted by Mr.President at 1:21 PM on Sep 4, 2007

dada sailor

DadA SaIlor heft ing the kick boot arse arly in the morning .
early in the rises shes the capten's daughterskivvy his ass
with the captains daughter early in the moring
Dada boot hobnail in the poopdeck hobnail booty
et Dada Duffy encounter obvious nagivation invagination quartier. not so pari s as that.
pray reader how many in one can? a reel to real? is Platonic shadown not showdown to her shogun?
Dada Duffy esqe outraged at scandal of
there are no limits to the plean E of consistency.

first we had

followed swiftly by

What revered reVerSal of TrAnSverSal

Oh she was very quoteD to dearth its Knight to her fe_mail and mail it was her chain to signifiers let. Sliding over thee floor of its binning and bin its bining. Com_Bining CombinE.

mutEULellE Machine Book Blog

This is a projecto moe J'E& other are having fun with~. This idea had been floating around my head for a while to start a series of mini-blogs, offshoots of the rhizomatic machining that differnet authors playing in the me/you dyad fling over, bend & shape materials of the electronic space in Other Way

Actually its not anylonger of a book but a Machine really its not a book at all it is a kind of machine not quite the idea of a desiremachine which only works when things break down but on the other hand it is a break through of genre and media to shaping so on so on.You Dig? Like how does it end anD begin? You see what I mean?


this is a mani portage of patrol boat float, rather no 1. there were multiple choice in
the Hexam. She failed. We dulcet succeed. Love

___________Shoot rake caBoonk!

buide logs


youve alway beena copy cat
so its how we love youyouve alway beena copy cat
so its how we love youyouve alway beena copy cat
so its how we love youyouve alway beena copy cat
so its how we love you

she told him

she told he persuades guitar as piano for hour after minute. not to deceive but
gather the power of poetry. not sending resending . some force. de mot.
as gaining time, its bliss working both ways.


TWoZKnIghteD her cross the RiverOver. Overing.as Shaped to a's ear once word kept my caulking hope from me. Damage me there , then , mermaid. Are you ?

and turn


And turn and turn again. Trundle word cock of verb. Plumage of the scrimmage. Spend to her season how. Not accomplished to the american word ~

find the splinter. Now this. Mouth.


this an other work like it, is the , one of the right response, to the claims of boom boom bloom / Now he dead/ old memory pig/ repetition monster


Reinventing Poetry for the Internet Age | Marjorie Perloff | SWF 2016



Marjorie Perloff and Poetry for the Digital Age

On May 8, I had the pleasure of recording Marjorie Perloff’s talk Reading the Verses Backward, Poetry for the Digital Age.” Marjorie Perloff is a leading scholar of contemporary poetry. She served as the president of the ACLA from 1993-95, and was the president of the MLA in 2006. Her most influential books include Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media, and Wittgenstein’s Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary, which remain essential reading for those interested in poetry and poetics. Her talk took place in Gerlinger Lounge at the University of Oregon and was co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Oregon Humanities Center, the departments of Romance Languages, Comparative Literature, Latin American Studies, and the translation studies working group.

Please enjoy the recording, which has been left uncut to faithfully present the talk itself, and visit the complete blog post associated with this episode here.




OnE Xy KnigHt

One XyKnight clomping along; retrograde her languages around her. Why clomp loud if lifted light her shoes. Over pills and windowsill. Such thing are not fractured by wind blowing the sheave. Of its . Its travello no longer seen her crysall ball a quart of light in swing. Swing Swing her shifting gown was says. Her analogy her analogical fingers can.

One X KnIght

One xKnight came home from the office she was commingling her pantaloon with heavy wish of flair. Or say its washback was combing the breaker, and
oO other thing which marked its pleasure off. Spume of kickback Minister Platon resisted her knee of poesie. Said in Villon's Verlaine tongue. Wished by walker. Or says she was cutting back payment on card. Then what he heard was cushyacushya if I can find a place to you see this machinery of seaming ...



Must yer

Must yer dada always be linked to miracle? Or manacle say of the songing prison of Paris? I have slipped your streets my love, and torn all their blogs. Made day fright and fright pave its cobble stoned wheel of these street we sauntered our back to the hedge of the ancient library looming volume of their leeward high and low, as any lovers do they see. Peace. And Please. Kiss.