MEduuuuuuuusssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ meduSa SMedusaceratops

Caterpillar: Who are YOU?
Alice: This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

_______________________________MOnstrous hybrids___

Dinosaurs with all the Frills

...... the Ceratopsians - the family that includes mighty Triceratops - are ... royalty. These huge herbivores thrived at the end of the Cretaceous - the end of the age of dinosaurs, and their remarkablMedusaceratops lokiie div...ersity still enthrals paleontologists
. Ove...r the years, paleont....ologists have found many different s....pecies, each with a new and exotic form of bon

y frill and an assortment of intimidating horns. Dr. Michael Ryan, a Canadian sci....entist and Curator & Head................ of Vertebrate Paleontology at ........................................................the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, is particularly fascinated by these animals and is always excited to see a new one

successfully abstracted from a given formation, according

His latest is called Medusaceratops lokii, named for a monster from Greek mythology, a god from Norse mythology, and inspired by a comic book.

proceeding from the middle, through

he middle, coming and going rather than starting and finishing.The question, rather, is whether
the pieces can fit together, and at what price. Inevitably, there will be monstrous

. The plane of consistency would be the totality of all

BwO's, a pure multiplicity of immanence, one piece of which may be Chinese,

another American, another medieval, another petty perverse, but all

in a movement of generalized deterritorialization in which each person
takes and makes what she or he can, according to tastes she or he will have

succeeded in abstracting from a Self [Moi], according to a politics or strategy
successfully abstracted from a given formation, according

His latest is called Medusaceratops lokii, named for a monster from Greek mythology, a god from Norse mythology, and inspired by a comic book.

fringe dinosaurs
are deterritorialized
of doubled


Monstrous Medusa
Mutant ~

fringe of



over varied
