irish wedding cake plus commentary

commentary, remark, note, addenda, preface postface, re-face. no face.common face. common cause. mysterious buckle. trollope in a vein. buttocks in a backseat. rock star punkette bloggette . cursed hour! swiftian trope repartee.

Naturally this text is a comic one and resides in the realm of pure fiction. Clifford Duffy is not married to anyone. [ Actually we got that wrong: Clifford Duffy is not married, period. Not as you wrote. That is too definitive and limits the connotative possibles of yer enunciated whatyamacallit. Yea, yea. Yea, yea. Is.]
He_ is that yer first word?
She _ well darling come on my lap feel my tasted text wrapping itself the length of your slim sentence. Yer assemblage is the one I adore. Yer cockmanence is the goddess I see. I hear its pulse up here in me spine as trawled I do the lake outside Dublin. At me mam's last fortnight I just knew youwere South to me North. I cam e cutting yer text with lovellistedlust.------
She_ U mean you dont love me?
Clifford Duffy _ love? are you kidding? when I hear the word love, I want to vomit. each time the word love crosses the mouth of these god forsaken craytures ya know yer in trouble.
She_ well how about do you like F__ k with me? ( these days censoring oneself is sexy)Sucking my ya know what, especially as I spread my thighs as wet as two cows udders under Howth Castle and my peeping anus rainbow stuck way out there like a honey dried bacon seed? me darling CD. Is yer play my best arse? I think your a bitextual built for one hundred thousand molecule sex and more. I mean when I tink of the shites that have come and gone tasted yer pipe, played yer flute, well the hairs on my cunninlingus stand-up in outrage! My linguistic leprosy as the bitextual genre is one pure passage to become'd orgasm! I came 300 and 12 times when I read yer compose. Yer composed o'er my Liffey mister Duffy. Not shy as any barrister but a reel hoore in bed, ya are. O yer pipe in my succulent mouth was the heavenly gate opening to me vagina's last gate! O sweet f__ k ! My my what are you not capable of?
rd Duffy _ you rave as always. A sweet thing with compose and rose up yer sweet irish briared arse. Yer arse to me is a banyan shade with many open doors. However, my slut ye ought to , dontchat that yer sexycunt is way more interesting to me. When I rode yer wombcacoomboomboom sexy sex I felt me cock growing beyond proportions AND knew knowing true love was on the way!

She and Clifford Duffy holding textual hands up each other'
s arse in hol[e]y

Whe they gotoutof prison shewas high rye addicted to his kiss. She took their kid texting to itslimitlibido.

irish wedding cake plus commentary

commentary and remarks, notes, addenda,  preface postface, reface. no face.common face. common cause. mysterious buckle.  trollope in a vein

Naturally this text is a comic one and resides  in the realm of pure fiction. Clifford Duffy is not married to  anyone.
She_ U mean you dont love me?
Clifford Duffy _  love? are you kidding? when I hear the word love, I want to vomit. each time the  word love crosses the mouth of these god forsaken craytures ya know yer in  trouble.
She_ well how about do you like F__ k with me? ( these days  censoring oneself is sexy)Sucking my ya know what, especially as I spread my  thighs as wet as two cows udders under Howth Castle and my peeping anus rainbow  stuck way out there like a honey dried bacon seed? me darling CD. Is yer play my  best arse? I think your a bitextual built for one hundred thousand molecule sex  and more. I mean when I tink of the shites that have come and gone tasted yer  pipe, played yer flute, well the hairs on my cunninlingus stand-up in outrage!  My linguistic leprosy as the bitextual genre is one pure passage to become'd  orgasm! I came 300 and 12 times when I read yer compose. Yer composed o'er my  Liffey mister Duffy. Not shy as any barrister but a reel hoore in bed, ya are. O  yer pipe in my succulent mouth was the heavenly gate opening to me vagina's last  gate! O sweet f__ k ! My my what are you not capable of?
Clifford Duffy _ you  rave as always. A sweet thing with compose and rose up yer sweet irish briared  arse. Yer arse to me is a banyan shade with many open doors. However, my slut ye  ought to , dontchat that yer sexycunt is way more interesting to me. When I rode  yer wombcacoomboomboom sexy sex I felt me cock growing beyond proportions AND  knew knowing true love was on the way!

commentary, remark, note, addenda,  preface postface, re-face. no face.common face. common cause. mysterious buckle.  trollope in a vein. buttocks in a backseat. rock star punkette bloggette .  cursed hour! swiftian trope repartee.

Naturally this text is a comic one and resides  in the realm of pure fiction. Clifford Duffy is not married to  anyone.
She_ U mean you dont love me?

commentary, remark, note, addenda, preface postface, re-face. no face.common face. common cause. mysterious buckle. trollope in a vein. buttocks in a backseat. rock star punkette bloggette . cursed hour! swiftian trope repartee.

Naturally this text is a comic one and resides in the realm of pure fiction. Clifford Duffy is not married to anyone. [ Actually we got that wrong: Clifford Duffy is not married, period. Not as you wrote. That is too definitive and limits the connotative possibles of yer enunciated whatyamacallit. Yea, yea. Yea, yea. Is.]
He_ is that yer first word?
She _ well darling come on my lap feel my tasted text wrapping itself the length of your slim sentence. Yer assemblage is the one I adore. Yer cockmanence is the goddess I see. I hear its pulse up here in me spine as trawled I do the lake outside Dublin. At me mam's last fortnight I just knew youwere South to me North. I cam e cutting yer text with lovellistedlust.------
She_ U mean you dont love me?
Clifford Duffy _ love? are you kidding? when I hear the word love, I want to vomit. each time the word love crosses the mouth of these god forsaken craytures ya know yer in trouble.
She_ well how about do you like  F__ k with  me? ( these days censoring oneself is sexy)Sucking my ya know what, especially as I spread my thighs as wet as two cows udders under Howth Castle and my peeping anus rainbow stuck way out there like a honey dried bacon seed? me darling CD.  Is yer play my best arse? I think your a bitextual built for one hundred thousand molecule sex and more. I mean when I tink of the  shites that have come and gone tasted yer pipe, played yer flute, well the hairs on my cunninlingus stand-up in outrage! My linguistic leprosy as the bitextual genre is one pure passage to become'd orgasm! I came 300 and 12 times when I read yer compose. Yer composed o'er my Liffey mister Duffy. Not shy as any barrister but a reel hoore in bed, ya are. O yer pipe in my succulent mouth was the heavenly gate opening to me vagina's last gate! O sweet f__ k ! My my what are you not capable of?
rd Duffy _ you rave as always. A sweet thing with compose and rose up yer sweet irish briared arse. Yer arse to me is a banyan shade with many open doors. However, my slut ye ought to , dontchat that yer sexycunt is way more interesting to me. When I rode yer wombcacoomboomboom sexy sex I felt me cock growing beyond proportions AND knew knowing true love was on the way!

She and Clifford Duffy holding textual hands up each other'
s arse in hol[e]y

Whe they gotoutof prison shewas high rye addicted to his kiss. She took their kid texting to itslimitlibido.


for the lady O' the green

__________________________ was this she?

C/D total sinner requires control! (context: is the verb in this case, passive, active, transitive, intransitive? All replies must be postmarked before November 12, at which time a winner will be announced. A free 'billet d'avion' to the deluxed wedding of Duffy and said Lynda Miss Ireland world to be issued).


I swear Bayjaysus the poor man's lost his
head over a golfing gal!
what a wee plunker he was!
as we wheezing along the road
with Dublin castle in view
ye'd a tink
we'd married allready!
& he

craaalllwlling under me skirts!
de dirty boy!
scamp of a shagger
I'd say
was a
peeler's cross
over me


the discontining saga broken junket of love's brown shit incomplete

      ___  love's a brown paper bag with a dollar sign strung around
its neck chunk chunk chunk chew chew chew you got it too
its red brown and shittier than a vase with a double dollar sign roun its neck

dollars to the good guys. sign and train. research for rich. come uppanance
for few . clacks the solo ricket. 
not a bleak view on your paid out fat stomach

                                                                                                            bulge of your culinary .
and the shit of love
puked its grain the excluded third first man
and the many.

t o say nothing




shit to to the brown paper. exhausted poverty of expository. the pronouns drummed high death. a wilted life for the board of sack. venzetti and credit.

                                is that your voice forced? come along golly. folly to yer travel mania. the trips of the paid research scientist ar enot more legitimate than the infinite game of 'philosopher' and 'arts academic' and the eternal shine of the conference  game. what excludes excludes.

some say this is bad
others say it is their right. a land for free for all. and poor. the 'dark' has come moon and light. the world.a fortured light. screwed on the table.

___________________humdrum _ and blind. so the winging terror speaks. free a t final from sight that blinds

__________________________ the conspiracy's always been against love.
it's love that's attacked
love's that's punished

so your reckoning the good
for the bad

the dual




the 'rules' were not set 
by you

___________the big boys told me it was too long
the little boys and their girl companions
told me it was not
didnt fit the match
ing square

(its too long
its not clear

its too beautiful
too great
i cant cope
youre too
im fucked out
mummy lover

you fucked
you are better than me Cliff
I hate your guts
 is what was meant
and perhaps
between the various forms of envy
and self loathing hatred
there was bitterness
about his long standing hysteric bitch
about to bereplaced what bereif
is this
by the second
a grant wininning
complaining about her 'pays' 

(nationalisms's always been the cheap
shot of the weak and resentful
can you explain
what you were doing with this all these years
Ah ~ but it was of course a convenience
and nothing for you to lose your life
but your crummy rhetoric
about hands and planes
you fat one
you second rate imitation of the  truly creative
your spirit's always been 
by envy


(I was never fooled
after you kissed Alan Lord's arse
you gutless

(you had a fire once
but traded it in for the 
whatever it is of convenience
after I got sober
it looked for a time
yet you turned
into the parvenu
you'd denounced
years before

you always knew who to sidle up to didnt you?
you always had that handle
(your overbloated
oedipal pal
and his exploding head
whispered voice
sucking in all the young jacks
from the middle and upper middle class
of mcgill and concordia
game was well planned
wasnt it
and that sleazy two bit 'journlst
from that whore supported rag
mirros shit

  going on and on a
bout that bitter man Ian 
no mean performer
i admit
but you and your crew
had it sized up
down with Duff
if he dont parlay
the five ten minute
you wanted

and their 





And that other blanked
headed foghorn
kidd bust)

You always played
it safe

your cards
you said
to me
when I was 24

and you


her 'disctinct society'
and no 
doubt her society
was distinct
matching his moralistic


the upspeak like
the spoken
of old
who'd laid
their travel

out the circus
for their freelunch


become canadiano
with his
french canadian


and their separatists
then the years
of sentencing 
that following
to the

of academic
and what is this
of that
the of dead
his well worn
his underware

and paradise pity

and so many others
came my way harming the hoot
harming the harmony
harming my love
harming my neighborliness
harming the truth

of the stillness
killin the joy
punishing the joy

-----------------------so now the pushy body of your sexy summer    ~ tear and wear now the division 
 but vision of love's patron   ~.

1.Mister Earl is on the way

2. galaxies travel in groups. blood vessels. clamp.the worst thing is scientist's upspeak. she came around the end of her arching. sentence. to try its booster. does it 
next weather rises. Zarathustra in 'outer space' lounging at cafe.  

3. CD: i was there once. yes.  

3B.  CP: and did you get married then?  You were teaching in Brazil in 1978 and Gail was in France. So you missed the 78 lectures . 

CD:Yes, I did but you know what it was exciting to spend close to a year in Brazil at that time. There were changes and exciting innovations in the fields that I was interested in. As for marriage I never got married to Gail. I never married her or anyone... it's  a tradition I don't marry, we live together . 

CP _ So after Brazil tell me  where did you go?

CD: I went to Montreal for a short visit , then Ireland proper, and after we went to what was called Yugoslavia ..  not for long.... In the fall I was back at Vincennes whenever I could.  All in all I lived overseas more or less permanently from 1972 until 1989. In the summer of 1970 I had attended a free art school called the Sussex school of Fine Ars.  In 1990, I came back here worked and published a book, Farewell Weather to Fine Friends that same year...  I had gone to  India, and Japan, and   a few places in North Africa (Egypt,  Mozambique) . I'd been to other Eastern block countries as well. I started a degree in England, but really the school I went to was Vincennes, and the times at Kingsly Hall, and later what was called the Arbours, Ann Arbours Association in Londond...  I told you this before.  In the 90's I began to stay in Montreal more... to work, and I started to think about taking actual degrees... but I waited a long time...


Caterpillar: Who are YOU?

Alice: This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.


_______________________________MOnstrous hybrids


Jill says to Dada enough politics    ~



dada harold bloom on funD A MenTalisms in America ~

   Bloom on “Biblicism” (the Southern Baptists as an example)

Selected excerpts from Harold Bloom, The American Religion (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992)

…The overwhelming urgency (and viciousness) of Southern Baptist Fundamentalism surpasses all other American instances of that errancy, and makes it shockingly similar to Iranian Shiite Fundamentalism or the worst excesses of the Neturei Karta in Israel. In a most grievous way, the strength and uniqueness of the Moderate Southern Baptist tradition, as codified by Mullins, involuntarily helped produce the furious anti-intellectualism of Criswell, Pressler, and the other representative leaders of the now dominant Fundamentalist faction of the Southern Baptist Convention. 

The mystical distrust of language in the Moderates, with its attendant repudiation of theology, is reduced by the Fundamentalists to a total devaluation of all language and all thought. Even as Fundamentalists insist upon the inerrancy of the Bible, they give up all actual reading of the Bible, since in fact its language is too remote and difficult for them to begin to understand. What is left is the Bible as physical object, limp and leather, a final icon or magical talisman. To read Criswell or any other Fundamentalist clergyman on the Bible is almost a literal impossibility, at least for me, because they are not writing about the text, in any sense whatsoever of text, or of that text. 

They write about their own dogmatic social, political, cultural, moral, and even economic convictions, and biblical texts simply are quoted, with frenetic abandon, whether or not they in any way illustrate or even approach the areas where the convictions center. They are quoted also as though they interpreted themselves and were perfectly transparent in their meanings-

It seems heartless to blame the Moderate Baptists for any aspect of this absurdity, but no Southern Baptist (as such) seems to be much at home with or in language. Theology depends upon analogies, arguments, metaphors, all of which enforce the difference between words and the realities they represent. Fundamentalist Baptists never even seem to realize that the Bible is in the first place language. But Moderate Baptists, being sincere and pragmatic Enthusiasts in their unmediated relationship to Jesus, tend to despair that the unmediated experience they have of Jesus ever can be represented in language. We thus have the paradox that the Fundamentalists resent or ignore language, while the Moderates at best are ambivalent towards it, and probably even fear it, since they do not wish it to mediate Jesus for them.
Christian Fundamentalism essentially is a North American phenomenon; except for the United States and Canada, it has had an indigenous life only in Ulster. Its other worldwide manifestations tend to be exported from the United States. Yet I cannot regard it as anything but a parody of what I have called the American Religion. Its spiritual content, to the religious critic, is difficult to locate. This was not always so; there were some serious intellects involved in later nineteenththrough earlier twentieth-century Fundamentalism. Today, there are none, and yet 

Fundamentalism threatens to become almost a synonym for Evangelicalism in contemporary America. Partly this is caused by media overreporting, and by the plain shock experienced by our upper-middle-class public each time they find themselves yet again allied with lowermiddle-class Fundamentalists in the support of Reagan, Bush, and their party. 

The moral agenda of the Fundamentalists is rather drab, and, like Bush, generally reduces to waving the flag and the fetus at us as though these constituted a single entity.…
[Bloom 228-230, 232]