________________________________ the banshees
high across the mad world of politic  ~

I fled, but he pursu'd (though more, it seems, [ 790 ]

Inflam'd with lust then rage) and swifter far,

Mee overtook his mother all dismaid,

And in embraces forcible and foule

Ingendring with me, of that rape begot

These yelling Monsters that with ceasless cry [ 795 ]

Surround me, as thou sawst, hourly conceiv'd

And hourly born, with sorrow infinite

To me, for when they list into the womb
That bred them they return, and
howle and gnaw
My Bowels,
thir repast; then bursting forth [ 800 ]
A fresh with conscious
terrours vex me round,

That rest or intermission none I find.
Before mine eyes in opposition sits
Death my Son and foe, who sets them on,  __ Booke 2 Paradise Lost _ Milton

                                                       Every life is many days, day after day.
We walk through ourselves,

meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young

men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love.

But always meeting ourselves.

They are sundered by a bodily shame so steadfast that the criminal annals of the world, stained with all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach.

Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, lesbic sisters, loves that dare not speak their name, 
nephews with grandmothers, jailbirds with keyholes, queens with prize bulls.

The son unborn mars beauty: born, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care. He is a new male: his growth is his father's decline, his youth his father's envy, his friend his father's enemy   ~.

The Tyrant____ Porn in the U.S.A  ~--------------------------------

____ Dada watch  the rollin____________________________________
_____ Dada watches the rolling waters of a potential tyrant dogmatic dictator   ~  t                                                            he images and texts in this post were copied and pasted from various sources and if ye follow the 

links you'll be brought along to the bloggers and webbers  dat made'em   ~

The lady where are the god bootS! Sieg Sarah!in Red_________________ and her commission from God   America A Prophecy
by William Blake


The shadowy daughter of Urthona stood before red Orc.
When fourteen suns had faintly journey'd o'er his dark abode;
His food she brought in iron baskets, his drink in cups of iron;
Crown'd with a helmet & dark hair the nameless female stood;
A quiver with its burning stores, a bow like that of night,
When pestilence is shot from heaven; no other arms she need:
Invulnerable tho' naked, save where clouds roll round her loins,
Their awful folds in the dark air; silent she stood as night;
For never from her iron tongue could voice or sound arise;
But dumb till that dread day when Orc assay'd his fierce embrace.thinking of

she sees herself as Queen Esther  ~
the saviou r to her people
but shes 
the opposite

But where does this fear of reading ??????????????????
Dada BLoom:Well, we’re about to crash on th
e scale of 1837, the Great Panic, or 1929, and now we’re going to have the Panic of either 2008 or 2009. That is a consequence—it’s one of many consequences including a lot of innocent dead everywhere—of the way in which the counterculture ultimately, by its enormous recoil, helped give us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. They are both semiliterate at best. They both exude self-confidence. And they both claim a direct relationship with God.
Hopefully she’ll disappear now, or just start a talk show or something. 
She is a very, very dangerous person.

Read the rest at Vice Magazine: 
HAROLD BLOOM - PART 1 - Vice Magazine 

Sarah Palin's "America"


with humblest regards to the above
America you've given me millions and now I'm wealthy.
with humblest regards to the above
America two campaign managers and a GOP candidate August 27th, 2008.
I can't spell my own thoughts.
America when will you start another oil war?
I miss building atom bombs.
America when will you be evangelical?
When will you be pro-life?
When will you raise taxes on the poor?

When will you be stupid enough for your thousands of Tea Party activists?
America why are your libraries not full of my books?
I'm sick of your spend-o-crat liberals.

When will I be able to walk into a grocery store and see no organic products?
America after all it is I who is perfect and nobody else.
Your regulations are too much for me.
One day they'll make me a saint.
There must be some other way to exploit my family.
Obama's in office I think he'll get re-elected it's sinister.
I refuse to to cave to logic.
America stop voting the rich don't like it.
America the oil platforms are burning.
We should drill new ones.
I still read all the newspapers.
Every day some banker makes another million.
America I feel sentimental about Westboro Baptist Church.
                                                                                                  America I used to be fundamentalist when I was a kid.
I still am.
I smoke marijuana but pretend I don't.
I sit in my hotel suite for days on end and order room service on somebody else's dime.
When I go back to Alaska I do photo ops and never visit my friends.
You should have seen me reading Dan Brown and thinking it was good.
America I still haven't told you what I really said to Levi when I heard Bristol was pregnant.

Are you going to let your people listen to Fox News?
I'm always on Fox News.
There's a story about me at least once a week.
Its newscasters talk about me like I'm some sort of savior.
They're always telling me about accountability.
Politicians have to be accountable. Businessmen have to be accountable.
Everybody has to be accountable except apparently me.

I'd better consider my undeserved resources.
My undeserved resources are $250,000 speaking engagements
Millions in ghost-written book sales
A massive number of pointless PAC contributions
And TV shows that exploit my home state and family.
I say nothing about the underprivileged who have no health care.
I have confused the national dialogue.
Tomorrow I'll confuse the world.

America it's them bad terrorists.
Them terrorists them terrorists and them Mexicans.
And them terrorists.
Them terrorists hate our freedom.
Them terrorists want to take away our televisions.
Our news cycle wouldn't be complete without them terrorists.
It's true I don't want to get a real job
Or take responsibility for the damage I do to society.
I'm inarticulate and under-educated anyway.
America I'm putting my pointless shoulder to the wheel.___________________________________________________________________________
-______________________------------------ there's more to come the secret love letters of Queen Esther. She was fuckin day and night her poor tenement slum people e verrybuddy else two ______________________________________

And this artist  who reuses pornographic material to create a form of assemblage art that works really as a form of deterritorialization and reterritorialization  ~ meaning he take the material of shit and transform to art seeing    ~

 watch him discuss his method watch him discuss his method s

08/11/10: Artist Jonathan Yeo discusses why former Alaska governor and ex-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is a                                              subject for a portrait made out of cut-up pieces of pornography. 

                                                         The portrait was listed for $50,000 and sold in early August

_________________________ Made of the cheapest material available.. the close they get .. the detail the EYE reVeals the Meatus of the glazed concealing the ragged ...

 forms of contemporary stratification

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ONthat day, as 

part of the "Porn in the U.S.A." exhibition at the London-based Lazarides Gallery's L.A. pop-up space, British artistJonathan Yeo — who rose to international attention after making a collage of George W. Bush out of clippings of pornography in 2007 — will unveil another series of provocative collages. Among them you'll find Tiger Woods, Sigmund Freud, a wizened image of Sean Connery as James Bond, and the piece 

de resistance, Sarah Palin, wrapped in a moose head frame, no less. Instead of oil, the former Alaskan governor's face is rendered with images of pubic hair, lace panties, and engorged reproductive organs of both sexes. 

"They're not insults, per se," Yeo told ARTINFO. "They're just comments on people who trade off their morality and sexualitEE_ and her Despotic Case
trade On thEiR INSANE

Palinism is vampirism, as she leads her army of Zombies, who refuse to concede that carbon dioxide levels are man-made because they want the world to heat up, because they are cold and dead and want to burn or drown everyone else, because death is jealous of life.

_________________beware as William Blake
warned of spiritual maniacs, 'prayer' warriors for any mad deity-no matter its name and shape  ~ the cluster of lunatics ridin high the tide of insanity

                      "all deities reside in the human breast'