here check this out. I was stunned by this: one sees fear, paranoia, self centredness, and the promise of a dictator were this lunatic ever to get power __ i mean power beyond what she's managed to steal this far in her life. I can't say it enough: this video shows it all: lookat her poor kid _ no capacity to deal with reality and media; flanked by the fear ridden fear based pettiness of her flunky friends; and those shorts. One can just see what this second rate hack, would do to the rest of her were she to gain power. She's so nothing, and that is what is scray of course, all this shites are nothing and they play it so well. I see swastikas on the horizon blazoned with some terrifying apocalyptic horse that screams ME PALIN DICTATOR of the NEW WORLD REVEALED THROUGH ME ME ME

Watch the way she uses that cell phone as if she was trained to report on the enemy . And none of them , not her daughter or the others with her __ Palin is one of them cold blooded insect women that AMerican Novelist Burroughs describes. Her self control and concealed rage are writ large on her fafc