____________________That Dada Drummer Richard Hulsenbeck ~ and friend
of Hugo Ball
a n d Tzara's lifelong rival!
an aberrant desire
/ back slash
a book to nooks none
/at nones 9 o'clock/
at the lock of the answer the analyst on the run
at the border of Berlin and death
and Dada makes a speech megaphone forward
Escape to New York
Richard HulSenbeck's
--------------------------------the Audible Legacy
It is tempting to quote more snippets from this rich tapestry. For instance, the ways in which the younger generation of psychoanalysts both deferred to and yet also revolted against their elders; or how many had multiple analyses from different analysts; or how several non-Jewish psychoanalysts were absorbed in a psychiatric institution found by and named after a cousin of Hermann Göring;
or, finally, how the Dadaist and psychoanalyst Richard Huelsenbeck only escaped the Gestapo because they did not realise these were one and the same person.
Dada hurts. Dada does not jest, for the reason that it was experienced by revolutionary men and not by philistines who demand that art be a decoration for the mendacity of their own emotions.... I am firmly convinced that all art will become dadaistic in the course of time, because from Dada proceeds the perpetual urge for its renovation. rICHARD hULsENBECKE-------------
All the main characters wrote what the author calls 'psychoanalytic novels', which are discussed in considerable depth. Groddeck, for example, sent parts of his manuscript of The book of the It to Freud, who was less than enthusiastic since it conflicted with his own concept of the id. In such ways the relationships between writers' literary productions and their psychoanalytic doctrines are clearly brought out.Enough has been said show the fascination of this work, which has been meticulously researched and has a comprehensive index -- a great help since the material is so dense. In sum, this book is fine piece of scholarly work that throws fresh light on a formative period of psychoanalysis.---------------------------------------------------------
The gestapo were also stupid enough to think that Finnegans Wake was a code boo! for the british secret service.! It was and is more than a code it's an abode of flowing rivers and more.
Berlin Psychoanalytic
Psychoanalysis and Culture in Weimar Republic Germany and Beyond
by Veronika Fuechtner
Psychoanalysis and Culture in Weimar Republic Germany and Beyond
by Veronika Fuechtner