an' back

Interloctuer: Some one said you are a doctor now Doctor of something or other
CDuffy: Perhaps that's true of my double Clifford Duffy . People confuse C Duffy with Clifford Duffy who is, yes, a doctor of English Literature.
Inter: Explain! this is folly ~ dont' you know who you are?
CDuffy: Well, I am not Clifford Duffy the creator 28 Blogs with 12 inthe wings! I am a mere person in the virtual world of the real citiing what I write. and at times read. For instance, he's reading  In Defense of Lost Causes!  I would never read such a thing! Never. I can't bear General Zizek and his Lacanian insanity! His Hegelian horsewhip.

Interlecoterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~  pulling her hair out by now~. You are Duffy! i kNow you are I Can tell by your characters~ the smooth butter of their syntax, the love of their sex, the hoist oftheir images, the buoy of their intent ~

CDuffy ~ I think you've come under the spell of  a kind poet who cant help himself and loves all becomings loves all beings. And that ,  is not me  ~
___________To be discontined a Dublin ~

yes me and my truck/we go AlL over/especially in Ireland   ~ on my way to Dublin  over next while in the air~personally i have always been a truck driver'... wrkin' on a post ... winter's here was pwr fairethis morn' begun texting

___________________enemie agents? crass follower? bold boulders? rambling slunkers? come along fellahins? ______