Notes from Fuck YeaHGIDeeleuze
Machinic of philosophical portraiture: The Tinguelyof Deleuze
Gilles Deleuze’s thought involves a powerful conceptualization developed from his works on the history of philosophy and above all from his own philosophical creations. Such conceptualization contains and composes all his perspective of life. Albeit since early he would let see it in Difference and Repetition, he would be given to potentialize it throughout all his work. As is known, such conceptualization is thus what he called ‘the image of thought’. In (TheiR)___________________his latest book What
Who Is HiS?
is Philosophy?, despite of having shared Have Shared wiLL TraVAil_____________ ConCepTuAl PerSOna ~ coauthorship with Felix Guattari, Deleuze continues the purely philosophical approach of the image of thought and extends it in relation to a plane of imm
anence. There’s where Deleuze reiterates the idea that the history of philosophy is comparable to the art of portraiture, and adds that such history has to try to clear the plane of immanence that the portrayed philosopher has established with his thought and with the concepts that he was able to create from his perspective.[…]
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