dADa dUffy __Open _ ______bC_aD__
_______ a machine--- dada DuffeE here an there Blog Being ReDonE remAke your blog/to contingencies/aleatory/conditions of time ...'a lot a little schizo ... round the bevEled edges..'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reOrgAnd
how interesting intenses and beautiful it was ...
How rich, diverse and endlessly limber infinitely fascinating were the blogspphere works ... of the 2000's before the second generation of templates changed the basic layouts .. &&later changes and harder edged templates and censorship both by themselves and the ruling others... this blog Narcissus Works is an example of one the hundreds of working blogs
of this seeminly bygone era ...
Blogosphere creators I call on you!
Bring back that spirit!
Dont let time and templates
destroy yr beauty
About Me. Anny Ballardini
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Interaction: electronic _art _poetry
Flora & Herbs
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Joel Weishaus
Early last month, I received the unexpected gift of a manuscript that I thought had been lost. A woman whom I have never meet, an art gallery owner in Sausalito, CA., had been storing them. Apparently, some thirty years ago, I had given the manuscript to a friend, a young San Francisco lawyer, with whom I didn't stay in touch. Now I learned from this woman that he died twenty years ago!All that time she had kept the manuscript, not knowing how to contact me. Then, inadvertently, she came across my name on the Internet. What kindness, safeguarding for twenty years work of poet unknown to herself!I've been reading the poems, over one hundred of which, with some amazement and light revising, I've decided are worthwhile offering to whomever cares to read them:
Joel Weishaus
Labels: Joel Weishaus
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 7/03/2007 11:47:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 29, 2007
New Orleans World War II Museum

The National World War II Museum is celebrating Stars and Strips Summer, a season-long tribute to the American Spirit with programs for both children and adults and admission discounts for Louisiana residents.
On Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stars and Stripes Summer will host an appearance by the colorful storybook character Curious George and his famous keeper. The creators of this inquisitive monkey barely escaped Paris as the Nazis were rolling in. Participants are welcome to bring a camera to take pictures with the special guests.
On Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., beginning Sunday, July 1, and continuing through September 2, the National World War II Museum will hold Sunday Swing. Professional swing dancers will be on hand to provide coaching to dances while local musicians play WWII-era hits. On July 1, music will be performed by St. Louis Slim’s Swing Soiree.
A special exhibition, titled Incredible Victory: The Battle of Midway, will continue through October 28. The exhibition depicts the story of the dark day of 1942 when the fate of the nation and the world hung in the balance. It explores the American Pacific Fleet’s struggle to confront the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy following the disastrous defeat at Pearl Harbor.
The exhibition Artillery, Ammunition and Accessories features important World War II artifacts related to artillery.
The National World War II Museum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call (504) 527-6012, Extension 359.
The National World War II Museum was a fulfilled dream of the late Dr. Stephen Ambrose, The University of New Orleans Boyd Professor of History, who founded The National World War II Museum Foundation in New Orleans in 1991. The facility, opened on June, 6 2000, as The National D-Day Museum, has been designated by Congress as the nation’s official National World War II Museum.
Labels: Museums
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/29/2007 02:23:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«même» deviendrait hélas la triste, «raison» Memphis, vainqueur«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«dites» rein seduite beau malheur, «sans» nul, sait«même» deviendrait hélas la triste, «raison» Memphis, vainqueur«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«ténébreux» les passants s'esquivent et, «ne» jaloux; Madame«dites» rein seduite beau malheur, «sans» nul, sait«même» deviendrait hélas la triste, «raison» Memphis, vainqueur«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«vainqueur» raison Varney quoique, «hélas» exciter; même«ténébreux» les passants s'esquivent et, «ne» jaloux; Madame«dites» rein seduite beau malheur, «sans» nul, sait«même» deviendrait hélas la triste, «raison» Memphis, vainqueur«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
«sait» jour sans le voir, «bien» vrai; par«vainqueur» raison Varney quoique, «hélas» exciter; même«ténébreux» les passants s'esquivent et, «ne» jaloux; Madame«dites» rein seduite beau malheur, «sans» nul, sait«même» deviendrait hélas la triste, «raison» Memphis, vainqueur«jaloux» ne parle plus, «les» ténébreuse; ténébreux«vrai» c'est bien a l'escalier, «seduite» dites; encore
© Jeff Harrison
In each line, the first word in French quotation marks is followed by asequence of words from the first instance of speech in a particular VictorHugo play, and the second word in French quotation marks is followed by oneword from the second instance of speech in that Victor Hugo play, as is thesemicolon or second comma. Capitalization in the lines, except for propernouns, is reduced to lower-case, and punctuation marks found in the texthave been removed. The word following the semicolon or second comma doesn'tprecede the word following the final quotation mark - the chronology of wordorder in a "The Victor Hugo of Jules Verne" stanza is the same as that ofthe Hugo play.
Each word in the quotation marks is from another line in "The Victor Hugo ofJules Verne":
Stanza one partakes of stanzas seven and four.
Stanza two partakes of stanza five.
Stanza three partakes of stanza six.
Stanzas seven partakes of stanzas four and one.
schema of the above:
stanza 1. stanzas seven, four
2. five
3. six
4. one, seven
5. two
6. three
7. four, one
I used the Pléiade edition of Victor Hugo's complete plays.
Stanza 1. Hernani
2. Lucrèce Borgia
3. Irtamène
4. Ruy Blas
5. Angelo, Tyran De Padoue
6. Amy Robert
7. Marie Tudor
The Victor Hugo of Jules Verne:
V - V ("V" of "Victor"; "V" of "Verne")
H - of J (Harrison Jeff)
Vi - e ("Vi" of "Victor", "e" of "Verne": "Virginie";"Vie", life, pronounced"V")
In "Victor Hugo" and Jules Verne" are all the letters needed for the word
Enjambment in the verse plays has been observed, except for the center
stanza, VOYAGE AU CENTRE DE LA TERRE, which puts words from two of a
speaker's lines on the same line: "rein seduite beau malheur" from
"Avec une suivante, une fille de rein!
Seduite, beau malheur! parce que la donzelle"
(The omission of accent aigu in "seduite" is a typo. Does this error
influence the reading of the poem? No word outside of quotation marks isused twice, nor does a line share a word with a title, which directs the
reading of the poem's pattern. The first title and the final title share the
word "le",
and the final title repeats the word "du" within the line, which, in
addition to spacing and capitalization, separates title from line.) ("Word",
in the notes to this poem, is defined as a unit of letters.)
Jeff Harrison
Labels: Jeff Harrison
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/28/2007 08:41:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
the Library of Congress
press release
Chronicling America Site Now Offers 310,000 Newspaper Pages
Program to Put Digitized Newspapers Online Makes Eight Awards
Approximately 310,000 digitized newspaper pages, dating from 1900 to 1910, are now accessible through the Chronicling America Web site at
The site is a project of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), a partnership between the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Labels: Libraries
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/27/2007 11:31:00 PM 0 comments
Eileen Tabios' new creation starting with Dan Waber!
Congratulations to all those who are collaborating.
Labels: Eileen Tabios
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/27/2007 09:50:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Aaron Belz
See on Aaron Belz's Blog for your entertainment:
on a serious note:
Aaron Belz on the Corner
Labels: FUNNY
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/23/2007 01:27:00 PM 0 comments
The Vatican Library

Labels: Libraries
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/23/2007 01:10:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Mauro Di Silvestre

Labels: contemporary art
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/22/2007 04:36:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Ian Davidson
From Ian
Dear All
Apologies for the self-promotion.
Details of a book I've just had published are at:
It includes work on a number of authors who will be familiar to many on this list.
It's a bit expensive, sorry.
If you wish to meet Ian Davidson, here he is on the Corner:;=list_pages_categories&cid=180
and in Italian:;=list_pages_categories&cid=43
Labels: Ian Davidson
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/18/2007 07:40:00 PM 0 comments
Thomas Merton
"Someone has to try to keep his head clear of static and preserve the interior solitude and silence that are essential for independent thought."
Faith and Violence: 150
The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living 2117 Payne Street Louisville KY 40206
Labels: Thomas Merton
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/18/2007 05:47:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 17, 2007
from Joel Weishaus
This is #19 of a projected 35 texts.
Designed for screen resolution: 1024x768. Text size: Medium; Monitor: 17" or larger; MS Explorer is preferred.
Paratext boxes opened by holding cursor over words.
Speakers on.Please note that all these pages are advanced, not final, drafts.
Critique is considered and appreciated.
Labels: Joel Weishaus
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/17/2007 09:13:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
English Departments
Sent by Diane Lockward to the WOM-PO List: a list compiled by David Hoover, University of Southern Maine, of the English Departments in the US and abroad
Labels: English Departments
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/16/2007 07:03:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 15, 2007
Ezra Pound
John Gery, the University of New Orleans and the Venice International University on the Isola di San Servolo have organized the EZRA POUND CONFERENCE
for info
and here is the program
to be continued in Brunneburg, Dorf Tyrol.
Labels: Ezra Pound
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/15/2007 09:50:00 AM 0 comments
Update: The Poets' Corner
From James Lord in recounting his experience of posing for Alberto Giacometti, quotation taken from “The Courage to Create” by Rollo May:
One day his foot accidentally struck the catch that holds the easel shelf at the proper level, which caused the canvas to fall abruptly for a foot or two.
“Oh, excuse me!” he said. I laughed and observed that he’d excused himself as though he’d caused me to fall instead of the painting. “That’s exactly what I did feel,” he answered.
Camille Martin;=list_pages_categories&cid=240
Larissa Shmailo;=list_pages_categories&cid=241
Snezana Dzakovic;=list_pages_categories&cid=242
Mary Kaiser;=list_pages_categories&cid=243
Jeff Newberry;=list_pages_categories&cid=244
Jenny Boully;=list_pages_categories&cid=245
Christian Bök;=list_pages_categories&cid=247
Aldo Tambellini;=list_pages_categories&cid=248
Rochelle Ratner;=list_pages_categories&cid=249
Clarinda Harriss;=list_pages_categories&cid=250
Joseph Duemer;=list_pages_categories&cid=251
New poems by already featured Poets:
Frank Parker: Tucson Blues;=list_pages_categories&cid=34
Kenneth Wolman: WOLMA, POLAND
Kenneth Wolman: The Prison Notebooks
Halvard Johnson: Tango Bouquet and other poems
and as a .doc file:
Victor Sosa: Gorrión (Chorus master)
Tad Richards: SITUATIONS – Foreword: The Epic Newsletter Story
Tad Richards: situations – first installment
Barry Alpert: FIVE via JEAN-LUC GODARD
Under Poets on Poets:
Euripides by Jon Corelis and ongoing work with new additions;=list_pages_categories&cid=66
Roberto Castillo Udiarte introduced and translated by Linh Dinh;=list_pages_categories&cid=71
Trinh Cong Son introduced and translated by Linh Dinh;=list_pages_categories&cid=72
Poems from the Ho Xuan Huong tradition introduced and translated by Linh Dinh;=list_pages_categories&cid=73
Untitled by Anya Logvinova translated by Larissa Shmailo
Untitled (Night, avenue…) by Aleksander Blok translated by Larissa Shmailo
Appearance follows the order by which I received the poems.
With my acknowledgment to all and my best wishes for a great summer,
Anny Ballardini
I Tell You: One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star!
Friedrich Nietzsche
Labels: the Poets' Corner
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/15/2007 12:22:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Richard Rorty
Richard Rorty, the leading American philosopher and heir to the pragmatist tradition, passed away on Friday, June 8.
He was Professor of Comparative Literature emeritus at Stanford University. In April the American Philosophical Society awarded him the Thomas Jefferson Medal. The prize citation reads: "In recognition of his influential and distinctively American contribution to philosophy and, more widely, to humanistic studies. His work redefined knowledge 'as a matter of conversation and of social practice, rather than as an attempt to mirror nature' and thus redefined philosophy itself as an unending, democratically disciplined, social and cultural activity of inquiry, reflection, and exchange, rather than an activity governed and validated by the concept of objective, extramental truth."
posted by Anny Ballardini @ 6/12/2007 10:47:00 PM 0 comments