
over vitus & victus

shamble fruit ~ not a subect I-eye

Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera

                                       Not Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera

[for kathy acker, dead 97, balance-programme for a desiring-machine]

athy acker, dead 97, balance-programme for a desiring-machine]  dont lead yr heavywater death machines killya? will the word speak simple single sinner? shall her blackball high the machine goes on/ hold speak I to I not Eye to You

 Two hundred and ten pounds no way!

Shes got dromotrec:? she holds the meter of speed contracted blues of the bellytobgelly blues break that poetry thing end I I end? I end Ideepuss. Highdeeppussy.
Not a lesbianbaby     ~

Not Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera