
Does anyone have the right to read things that were clearly meant only for two specific people, i.e. Jim and Fuckbird? Now that they have been exposed to the world’s gaze, albeit in a fairly limited fashion, does anybody except these two (who are dead) have any right to make objections about or exercise control over the manner in which these private documents and records of intimacy are used?

she thought/ it w/as a /cat/knot a bog

we reblogged

“She thought for the first time in her life that it was nothing that was hers, that belonged to her,”

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, Joyce Carol Oates (via

Joyce Carol Oates is James’ Joyce’s sister/His Double. She added the Oates to conceal her identity and avoid scandal/




them thingsBut not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty,

Anti-Logos the Literary Machine

It's not easy to see things in the middle rather than looking down on them from above or up at them from below, or from left to right or right to left:try it,and you'll see that everything changes.
__ AtP/F.Guattari__ G.deleuze

1 note

To write and thus to forge for herself the antilogos weapon. To become at will the taker and initiator, for her own right, in every symbolic system, in every political process.

Hélène Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”
To write and thus to forge for herself the antilogos weapon.
10 notes

    Do cut ups with critics /if you like or do not agree or differ or do not does not matter cut it up make it yr own /a piece of yr own thought view and opinion /think for yr self
    And yet  good-natured) Maya Angelou. But surely what matters about Plath, as about Angelou, is the audience. These are poems for people who dont read poems, though in Plaths case one must add feminist ideologues, who regard her as an exemplary martyr to patriarchal nastiness.”
    From the Introduction of Sylvia Plath: Blooms Major Poets (Comprehensive Research and Study Guide).
    2 notes
    • #joyce carol oates
    She thought for the first time in her life that it was nothing that was hers, that belonged to her,
    —Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, Joyce Carol Oates (via scicchitano)

    • #thomas pynchon
    • #Gravity's Rainbow
    • #cover
    This is fantastic. I seen a few covers but never anything like this. It almost looks staged, ‘interpreted.’
    (Source: hold-steady, via cinemaissatanschurch)

    When I was ?

    When I was one-and-twenty
    I heard a wise man say,
    "Give crowns and pounds and guineas
    But not your heart away;
    Give pearls away and rubies
    But keep your fancy free.”
    But I was one-and-twenty,
    No use to talk to me.”

    • 8
      • 1

    Anti-Logos the Literary... antilogostheliterarymachine.tumblr.com Posts 742 Followers 58 Activity Drafts 146 Liked 1,167 posts Following 47 blogs ► Radar Photo fiore-rosso Tumblr Radar Text Photo Quote Link Chat Audio Video antilogostheliterarymachine You reblogged cinemaissatanschurch hold-steady Source: This is fantastic. I seen a few covers but never anything like this. It almost looks staged, ‘interpreted.’ #thomas pynchon #Gravity's Rainbow #cover 9 notes You reblogged millionsmillions “Twitter somehow encompasses both sides of the Emily Dickinson dichotomy. On Twitter, the Nobodies have seized hold of the mic and managed to occupy the bog.” — Franzen and the Twitter Bog by Lydia Kiesling (via millionsmillions) #twitter #nobodies #emily dickinson 14 notes You reblogged cinemaissatanschurch cultoftheblackmother Source: “Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength.” — Thomas Pynchon (via cultoftheblackmother) #thomas pynchon #who else? 10 notes antilogostheliterarymachine youtube.com Source: My Blue Eyed Jane-Jimmie Rodgers (by Kyle Johnson) #Jimmie Rodgers Next page → © Tumblr, Inc. Help About Apps Developers Themes Meetups Jobs Legal Privacy