tired of trees.
We’re tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots, and radicles._ we sure are but they're fun too if there were none what the hell would we do so it's not supPosed to be taken literally
They’ve made us suffer too much. All of arborescent culture is founded on
them, from biology to linguistics. Nothing is beautiful or loving or political
aside from underground stems and aerial root, adventitious growths and
_______________yea well rhizme as an image has gotten a little tired as well.
————————— .
and its true wha ts said there about trees think of the
shit that was caused by that tree in the garden the whole the HOle
Dualistic thing between this tree you can t eat from that and that you
can and the Punishment whichfollowed.
down with binary crowns an trees
lets be burrows and rhizomes ….
love, packs, wolves
What does it mean to love somebody? It is always to seize that person
in a mass, extract that person from a group, however small, in which he
or she participates, whether it be through the family only or through
something else; then to find that person’s own packs, the multiplicities
he or she encloses within him or herself which may be of an entirely
different nature. To join them to mine, to make them penetrate mine, and for me to penetrate the other person’s. Heavenly
nuptials, multiplicities of multiplicities.
- ___ from a thousand plateaus. not of schizophrenia but assemblages, desire machines
- #schizo
- #poetry
- #fuck
- #love
- #o
- #where
- #how
- #i hate fb
- #this is better
- #amazing
300 days from Now to go
- you've been waiting for me to take your hand ~ okay here~ it's mine it's yours
no one owns a singnature?
i called your mouth as you called mine
“Do not pray/ think”
T.S. Eliot, from The Complete Poems And Plays: 1909 - 1950 (
(via _____________)
This is a terrible thing to do to recommend and to do ‘to pray’. to
pray is to reinforce the conditions that gave rise to the paraonia
instituted by the punishing god of infinite debt. t.s . eliot wrote
those words in religious delirium.
(via ________________)
Source: clifford duffy discussing against the critical paranoia of eliot's prayer.
- #paranoia
4 days to go so I reach your soul go ago
Share share share your love body with me ~
steal my love? can you steal my mouth at such a distance?
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