Typical Vertical Misrepresentation as a Depiction of the Dada Baargeld

_____________________________________Johannes BaargeldGerman, 1892–1927Ordinäre Klitterung: Kubischer Transvestit vor einem vermeintlichen Scheideweg (Vulgar Mess: Cubistic Transvestite at an Alleged _________________________

GEORGE GROSZ (1893-1959) and JOHN HEARTFIELD (1891-1968)
'Life and Work in Universal City, 12:05 Noon', 1919 (photomontage


"Everybody can Dada"
—Dada-Fair, Berlin, poster, 1919

George Grosz (1893-1959) and John Heartfield (1891-1968) - 'Life and Work in Universal City, 12:05 Noon', 1919 (photomontage)ada ‘nonsense’ is packed full of meaning, and for all that Dada represents rupture and discontinuity[,] the movement has a complex, oblique relationship with cultural and intellectual history that extends both backwards and forwards. This book has brought to the fore a whole

  traictions and paradoxes which, more than ctive but supound  bites, describe aesthetic, ethical, tual poions thd and meaningful: herent coherence, meainglessness,
