... what .. is/what was a


.what was a blog speeding virtual difference ahead of her jar/
         her hips



what Wasis a blog?  you keep asking your self


                                                         (myself asking is yourself pleading?
                                                   what's pleading lover  )

                    is it your body? is your body a blog the image of your face grain image of your face is
   your body blog?                                                 as the circus virtual becomes symphonic
                                                                and the poems more real

 the test more virtual

              learning to breath


reistting reisiting blue you




--------------------------------- shes

 blue dog shes blue dog shes blue dog

 shes blue dog shes blue dog 

she blue dog shes blue do shes blue d 

shes blue shes lue 

shes blue

                 shes ue shes ue she's ue shes ue -

-------------------------------------- re vel a ti ion ary  body  


__________  is  a  song of tryst                                                           an parts


pint |love ___________________

 before each collage stamp her head entaglioed like  a space of   difference melted by toe and inkling her shadow compared to the night

          of missing teeth/ grief

  they want her to paint love
    paint her instead
   her stately (steady) head
a  geni blossom

  lissome that pretty word ever pretty
                                    close to a word standing by precipice

into the desire of her crack fall

 what sense is that against the cloud
                          a  broad mystery for making pears


works in one plato Form not the other



      her page / performative/ form

 what was that line of guattari's about masterpieces and none left?
      easy to speak in fragments
   pieces of broken rock

  beads/ and bears
  for her honey
   to her tears
  her table of contents
  a perfect self publishing beauty


dada said more about poetry
than holding on 


its Knot


                                its knot easy to have a  body
  or a  line of verse  stanza
  breaking the neck
of wounded womb
of here song 


 or om
 imagining   meeting across

minds transforming 
to one who's already been your
yours belonged to you




how do i grab ahold of her papers
     an put them in my body?
   as if a host
                  mine to hers singing 


.. admire and


  I admire everything she does  __ even when I differ ______________

  a  rare talent flies through the air


______________ it's there that talent giving and receiving
             _________________ a  poem standing on the edge of  a wood
                      ________________a heart break calling it matter 


  this note's scribbled   

  this note's scribbled   

  this note's scribbled   

  this note's scribbled  

 across here skin her eyes her hair
                                                             those words of hers arching through the air

|||||| even though your neck's   sore  /it's broken
  as any word hanging  from a mouth
    how do you write a word?
  a mouth 
     moults between each caring lust?
   it's   virtual   craning 
         between her lap  and heart beat
       heart beats beats heat beats between down the street

a collage cage
 caught between all the feet

____________ is there  a pefect  being for admiration?



perhaps you were too .... as love is a body hidden in secret doors/clandestine nights/ grabbing switches . rocking sticks, gendered bases of love , end comma, end comma,




perhaps you were too quick, too harsh, my love

reading this  'mani festo' but what body is spoken

through the darkness of light?

a sill with wind at  its heart


                   |||||||||| Is there a mother to a text?

a father, a sister  lover brother malefemale? the one who's a man is  a body singing at her breast the long gone horn of its trellis.

||||||||||||||||||||||||  a , amI festo is a festival of her brightlights.





franco beradi 's worthless  manifesto which being a feeble attempt to rewrite the original Futurist manifesto reveals itself to be  of No use at All so

it has been crossed thru

1. We want to sing of the danger of love, the daily creation of a sweet energy that is never dispersed.
2. The essential elements of our poetry will be irony, tenderness and rebellion.
3. Ideology and advertising have exalted the permanent mobilisation of the productive and nervous energies of humankind towards profit and war. We want to exalt tenderness, sleep and ecstasy, the frugality of needs and the pleasure of the senses.
4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of autonomy. Each to her own rhythm; nobody must be constrained to march on a uniform pace. Cars have lost their allure of rarity and above all they can no longer perform the task they were conceived for: speed has slowed down. Cars are immobile like stupid slumbering tortoises in the city traffic. Only slowness is fast.
5. We want to sing of the men and the women who caress one another to know one another and the world better.
6. The poet must expend herself with warmth and prodigality to increase the power of collective intelligence and reduce the time of wage labour.
7. Beauty exists only in autonomy. No work that fails to express the intelligence of the possible can be a masterpiece. Poetry is a bridge cast over the abyss of nothingness to allow the sharing of different imaginations and to free singularities.
8. We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries… We must look behind to remember the abyss of violence and horror that military aggressiveness and nationalist ignorance is capable of conjuring up at any moment in time. We have lived in the stagnant time of religion for too long. Omnipresent and eternal speed is already behind us, in the Internet, so we can forget its syncopated rhymes and find our singular rhythm.
9. We want to ridicule the idiots who spread the discourse of war: the fanatics of competition, the fanatics of the bearded gods who incite massacres, the fanatics terrorised by the disarming femininity blossoming in all of us.
10. We demand that art turns into a life-changing force. We seek to abolish the separation between poetry and mass communication, to reclaim the power of media from the merchants and return it to the poets and the sages.
11. We will sing of the great crowds who can finally free themselves from the slavery of wage labour and through solidarity revolt against exploitation. We will sing of the infinite web of knowledge and invention, the immaterial technology that frees us from physical hardship. We will sing of the rebellious cognitariat who is in touch with her own body. We will sing to the infinity of the present and abandon the illusion of a future.


— Franco Berardi aka Bifo, MANIFESTO DEL DOPOFUTURISMO [manifesto of post-futurism]

 you might wonder why it's been crossed thru?  well for one No one needs Manifestos to know these things which have been stated already a million times over,

it's not what's being said  that's the problem

it's the whole notion of a manifesto. the concept of a manifesto is outdated

manifestos, proclamations who reads

them unless

they are the great ones

of the past

as in the dada


or the true


disagreeable ones of the 


this waterdown text

of Bifo Beradi's 

isjust cloying

 and no one takes it seriously

its a five minute text,

you read it,

say yes,



move on


not a thing

 it's not a how to

there's nothing there but old sounding phrases


what's needed
are how to's

we need Programmes

little machines/medium sized


whatever works

not big loud banging


pretending to

be something

that's already received knowledge

what's not needed


  man i  festos



Tristan Tzarathustra: sounding out

everyartist her own cake? how then does the spelling of gen-
effectthe rereception of an artwork? at work artw ork

sounding out  pound

some say it do and some do and some dont . but lips that meet tell a story or two ~

"reve ...

 from desire machine to desire machine
