trying out an d p. lay ing



reposted entirety of the orignal blog   the posts and their sequence are there ,  but the template does not reproduce you can see it at wayback machine here and the first look it had

  I cant figure what the template was at the this time but will

blogger's changed a lot in the 19 years since i started //. as 

has the whole internet and its regulation





re setting?



am i resetting this blog?  this log. b.  thi s bbbbbbbbbbbbb. da a.    d dd adada.     


///.  more tomorrow which was today in the future of the fast past the quantum of now wow now



dada duffy bC_aD chronicles of the Schizo Squire and her Wander |||||||||||||||||||

 ______ we are travelling in tim in the blog machine ____________




dada knew she was tired of being a man she became-woman as devenir as she could get to the veer of its vaulting four-wheeling in theE cockamamie sun _ her tugged of poor selves blinkered at the stop of ruin .

dada was winged to her pregnant self.

sir then sir then!

peace be on hold ya!

yer dada is mama a mamafesto for every tourney to

un bilan de programme not a festo every again
but a festoon of ridges, trestles and twos.



dada sailor

DadA SaIlor heft ing the kick boot arse arly in the morning .
early in the rises shes the capten's daughterskivvy his ass
with the captains daughter early in the moring
Dada boot hobnail in the poopdeck hobnail booty



she told him

she told he persuades guitar as piano for hour after minute. not to deceive but
gather the power of poetry. not sending resending . some force. de mot.
as gaining time, its bliss working both ways.



TWoZKnIghteD her cross the RiverOver. Shaped to a's ear once word kept my caulking hope from me. Damage me there , then , mermaid. Are you ?


and turn

And turn and turn again. Trundle word cock of verb. Plumage of the scrimmage. Spend to her season how. Not accomplished to the american word ~

find the splinter. Now this. Mouth.



OnE Xy KnigHt

One XyKnight clomping along; retrograde her languages around her. Why clomp loud if lifted light her shoes. Over pills and windowsill. Such thing are not fractured by wind blowing the sheave. Of its . Its travello no longer seen her crysall ball a quart of light in swing. Swing Swing her shifting gown was says. Her analogy her analogical fingers can.



One X KnIght

One xKnight came home from the office she was commingling her pantaloon with heavy wish of flair. Or say its washback was combing the breaker, and
oO other thing which marked its pleasure off. Spume of kickback Minister Platon resisted her knee of poesie. Said in Villon's Verlaine tongue. Wished by walker. Or says she was cutting back payment on card. Then what he heard was cushyacushya if I can find a place to you see this machinery of seaming ...





Must yer

Must yer dada always be linked to miracle? Or manacle say of the songing prison of Paris? I have slipped your streets my love, and torn all their blogs. Made day fright and fright pave its cobble stoned wheel of these street we sauntered our back to the hedge of the ancient library looming volume of their leeward high and low, as any lovers do they see. Peace. And Please. Kiss.



abandon help? hope


See Mister Bonnery's forgotten edifices

And here.
Edifice amnesia

she said abaddon or was it abandon
help O Gabriel yer gif is fifed &
trotted by the bare barren of the wood
she's like that when pleasures stalk her night

and other amazes that rankle her measure
like any other submarine she tilts title
tickling the pin sin of waking
hugging me like a lover

over the anger of similes and dada
twists a fin or two shunting down
oles and bullfights in Paris in San Francisco
dangling a pot or two before the I

that wishes it had a handle on beast
like formation cunning as UnHeimlich

Stop says the telegram I arrive at dawn
your bed a waking gleam where lovers lie
her breast heaved before the breathless taste of its air



who owns a verse|fer You in Yer EaR

who owns a word
'one' two 'two' 'hangs' hang hang its a hanging
hanging is that a witch up yer ass?
that Oedipus?
is that a rope roun' yer neck
is that 'one's (using the word 'one'
busted alie_nation. Imagine lover's
worddeath to spawn) 'hangin' up & down a lover
on a mountain
not love's semantic rattling of
signifier bones & jone
kick ass come
boundaries best
saw of Oedipus
call her mummy
who this Oedipus bum

You chump

desiringmachine onlie
work when break
onlie beloved these
sonnet of eyes
& bone
yer hep
cat whines
to my heart
of body



if therE was commentary it might go something what sheet of textile is this, what hammer of no and everyon is she tallking about? is that a body she wants, or him? is her there in her head, or hanging to the detext of deterritorialization and hunger? How can out go in when out's been out so long it dont been in?



auboisementcorrect - Lecture de « L ‘homme approximatif » de Tristan Tzara

I missed and didnt know about but its great to know that reading of Tzara's pretty much forgot masterpiece are happening, happily happening.

auboisementcorrect - Lecture de « L ‘homme approximatif » de Tristan Tzara: "|
Lecture de « L ‘homme approximatif » de Tristan Tzara

Le mardi 17 octobre 2006 à 00h00
Sur cet article...
20 visite(s)

- Mardi 17 octobre 2006 à 18h
- Médiathèque de l’Agglomération Troyenne ; BD Gambetta à Troyes
- Renseignements Théâtre de la Madeleine : 03 25 43 32 10

- Avec Claire Le Michel, Junie Monnier, Mallory Patte-Serrano Claire Le Michel et son équipe créeront L’homme approximatif à l’automne 2007.
- En amont de cette création, la Compagnie Un Soir Ailleurs propose une rencontre poétique.
- En partenariat avec la Théâtre de la Madeleine"


the look accident

How was it? was it how was how was it?

ho w was it?

not that bad



Ok. fine
so what happen'd
my wrist
back arms
bloody leg
sliding down

the mountain

jumped out

the way

went flyinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg



they rogue'd

t'hey rog[m]e'd from isl'and t'a i[re]sland lookin

for Love!!!!



come to the island


___________________________________________________come to my little island!
my islet!

come come come
come with me to the island of no tomorrow
and no tomoreau
and no doc moreau!

then guess what?

we can lovers be.



chronique summer 83-4

tha t magazine. one randy put out. gt her/him in trouble.over a poem which mention meat hanging and some punkette, her cunt in her hand, walking up St. Laurent blvd. go figure.

later there was Raw Verse that cause problem too. sometime in Montreal city. politico correcters. erasers. of head. and the french lover
sayingto me, My breeeeeessssttttsss
she was frightened or worried her breasts were too big, but it was no t th e case,
it was her head Ego, too big.

A, walked her around all night, as her/him coughed out the
pain, when S, dumped, him , a cruel word if ever there was one.

and the Show at the Cafe/Cafe Commune was very successful. Pat read from Blue Dog poems , with the band.

Dada duffy wore her hat, trimmed in her hand,
conifered & coiffed for the gods~~



chronicle_ 1984

Nietzsche's Daughter. First time. Flute/Stand-Up Bass. Bagel etc.
Performance. St.Laurent Blvd. St. Lawrence boulevard, the Main, the main.
girls like boys. dressed with sexsweaters like night keeping cloth in the
burning night. Not
st. Matins.

Or other place.

Or say _ she thought he was queer even after love lunging death



alive dive

cut collage


in the flake was a chair
round table and other

# posted by Clifford Duffy @ 9/01/2006 