Liam ....she says come to 'le bed' "c'est tres tard" .... "Liam il faut coucher ..."
et faire l'amour?
Ah la question the question's between her thighs a secret waiting for each answer.
Sexy and dirty love letters. what everyone wants and needs!
____________________Listen to beuys speak he is so beautiful ... he says find the imaginative creative elements in yourself... this is the beauty and creation dans le soi meme...
The Important thing is to make yourself what you are and to find that one is many things.../ to compose and recreate oneself out of what one has been told/ or read. One has to decide and then become.
become become one can be and is many things in a life time... I too have been many things... friend, worker, teacher, poet, blogger, performer, community organizer, reader .... enemy rival, man woman one is many many devenir multiple
where is one to find the person who is not a judge of one self or others.. let one self flourish to become many events and things, many loves