secret language
To be a foreigner, but in one's own tongue, not only when speaking a language other than one's own. To be bilingual, multilingual, but in one and the same language, without even dialect or patois. To be a bastard, a half-breed, but through a purification of race. That is when style becomes a language. That is when language becomes intensive, a pure continuum of values and intensities. That is when language becomes secret, yet has nothing to hide, as opposed to when one carves out a secret subsystem within language.
One attains this result only by sobriety, creative subtraction.
-- G.Deleuze and/or F.Guattari
A Thousand Plateaus (p.98)
for something completely different
Borodin String Quartet no. 2 1st movement (excerpt) violin Mirage Kwartet Jakub Miller, violin; Any Bermudez, violin; Luis Diez, viola and Sinan Ercan, cello.
Excerpt from the final part of the First Movement of Borodin's Second String Quartet in D major.
Borodin dedicated this piece to his wife. He played cello and his wife is represented by the violin, so there are many beautiful duets in this piece!
White Rabbit
two tune
'When I was a child, I was, so to speak, in pieces; really a little schizo around the edges. I spent years trying to put myself back together again. My only thing was, I would pull myself along different pieces of realities in doing it.'
Felix Guattari (1995), Chaosophy, ed. Sylvere Lotringer, New York: Semiotext[e].
________________________________________ so yer chaos is undone by chaosmosis. as the deterritorialized flux. bends over time. capping the cold rent. it's not justice which speaking . desire. the truck ribbed by yer cage.
each mouth holding the haze.
enter the extra effort of peeing.
or some time Jill has frankincense burning her shell.
burnished by cockles maid forward the cunt rivered high. its her
leg awning breasting the knight. she's lesbic to her two tunes.
exercise(s) in doubt
tonight you are in bed alone
it doesn't have to be that way
but you're there and i , i am here.
you dare not speak
as you know that far is close
and your hoped for wish was fantasy
but that's not how reality works
it works this way over the live traces of space ~
and love's unpredictable machine ~ .
No one makes the rules but you and I and the machines we make. There's nothing pre-written my love ~.
Dublin __ December 2009
_________________ Montreal 2010 future tense
then it might lift her shoulder.
hand goes to phone. she calling ringing.
its the tzara effect of her naked clothes off.
they are threesome to his willy-nilly.