television cut text


You ask whether control or communication societies will lead to forms of
resis­tance that might reopen the way for a communism understood as the “transversal organization of free individuals.” Maybe, I don’t know. But it would be nothing to do with minorities speaking out.

Maybe speech and communication have been corrupted. They’re thoroughly per­meated by money—and not by accident but by their very nature. We’ve got to hijack speech. Creating has always been something dif­ferent from communicating. The key thing may be to create vacuoles of noncommunication, circuit breakers, so we can elude control.

– Gilles Deleuze

Indian Test Pattern ____________zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzlate night CBC


__ Dear this love letter of yers has made my face collapse. The church of desire, the apse where prayer is thought, the epistemology of your body and mine across the unseen spaces of your voice. As you tapped into my veins, my vines like a square root of song. Wont you come and say my name?__________
