sabine 2, 3 et

Outer Space man.. delicate homme the red line again un motif dans vos peintures ou vos dessins... mais on et tout dans 'outer' space... sur les plateaux. on est touts les hommes et toutes les femmes.. quelle tete ce monsieur.. lines line the thick red line... and the darker to to the right... un portrait en deux... his skull is a split map but no it's not really split its drawn across the top of its two regions.. tu me pardonne ... hes in space.. peut-etre il pense a les autres peintures que tu a fait... .. il est comme le moi qui est un nous.... how still this one... how calm the background... the space of its emptiness... what a rich man...

. what a rich man... i trace the second line the dark not the red and it goes down down to his chest.. where a shirt collar might be.. his heart son coeur

what a definite and delicate drawing as he peers.. the theme : he looks at your works ils regards vos peintures...

i'd say more but my m outh would fall apart...

bones nose, eyes, bodies on bodies triangles on triangles angles ..


3rd comment on Sabine's Take care of me

O mon ~ O je reviens...
magnificent masterpiece... what a body.. O

2nd comment on first figgure

le voila c'est lui encore mais dans un forme diffèrent.. un autre guise...

______________4th comment-female figure

elle est belle ~ est grand

______________________5th figure

this one is si belle si ... colour splash roar of colour and even violence mais quelle devenir de la violence et tendresse....

this one is si belle si ... colour splash roar of colour and even violence mais quelle devenir de la violence et reveins retours... c'est un souffle ...

maybe its not a roar... its a roarcall roar-call roar over vertical and horizontal spaces of the painting...

first figure again

Peut-être c'est n'est pas le même homme ... okay its not.. there is never one man or there is only one man... and he has many shapes.. the lines are different the red line is thicker... its a thick red bar .. mais transparent... and his head lines are those of his skull are stronger.. alors.. c'est un homme ou une multitude des hommes... he's closer up.. his eyes are cat eyes... today i thought to myself you Liam have gull's eyes...

one last comment pour l'instant elle est trop grand de pas dire quelsque chose d'autre

son visage ses cheveux ses lèvres.. .. ses bras...les couleurs delicate a touch... O this is is a poem je reviendrai a elle ...