Territories Desire

Territories Desire

If there are territories of desire___and indeed there are Sir, __ but they exist as Outsides not dominated by the signifier dictatorship of the text's Boss__ the one formerly writing under the name God, then we are in them, we fiddle around in the milieu unknowingly. As each of us, is a territory, flake flittering over our own body-without-organs, then we seek what, precisely? A word speaking to a word won't do. A text talking back to another won't do either. Maybe it's just time to do the laundry.

If_____ why say if, how if, when if, who if, whence if__ not if, but becomings over the threshing hold, body-without-organs.
As the egg laid of the formal template dares its opening, unlatching flue, ceaseless line.

Catapult .

Clifford Duffy

'Deterritorializing and


Deterritorializing and

Deterriorializing is not the same__ as__deconstructing is about texts, Deterritorializing is about connecting different machines, literary, artistic, schizo, to an Outside. 'Derrideans' often misread this assuming everything in the world is text, even their noses.
But Professor Challenger, and Doctor Pierre Felix Guattari teach us otherwise.
Connect your wee machine, to an Outside where the Air.

Air, indeed, a literary world cannot be unbound to everyday.
They teach us otherwise otherwise otherwise.
Wise.__ Sobriety__ we learn wise to become its learning as pages pass into the other side.
Not only text,but the plurality of becomings.

That your passive sentence for instance. And your mouth fragment is love. That the schizo sentence is okay. Alright. acceptable. Not the promising of injury to what's been debated inside of yourself.

But a body without organs, and intensities of particles. As yourselves mutate multiple beings becoming.

This becomes an essay by virtue of its paradox.

In the non-deconstuction model it's about a path, a schizoid break line where passages occur. A body-without-organs, a wave over the body. A n intensity of lived experience. Fictions.

Clifford Duffy's DeleuzoGuattarian Fiction are show cased at
Deleuze Studies Manchester .

-----------------from Site ---------------RaPpEl-------------------------
 site Rappel

09 NOVEMBER 2013


letterpress workshop / center for book arts / nyc

Most of my work is digital but this week I went back in time and tried out letterpress printing because I wanted to see how it works, what's involved - and how it fits in with the history of printing....

perfect spies and

Is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle the same uncertainty we have with any future event at the smallest observable level?

Art and Poetry at quantum art and poetry - 6 hours ago
*Video explaining an objective quantum field theory * Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle between position and momentum ∆×∆p×≥h/4π and between energy and time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π is not a limitation of our ability to measure what is happening. It is a part of the physical structure of the Universe. This theory gives us an objective understanding of this with time as an emergent property with the future is coming into existence with each new photon of energy (photon electron coupling). This forms a process of continuous energy exchange relative to the position and momentum of the atoms.... more »


richard lopez at Really Bad Movies - 19 hours ago
*a short note on lou reed* i was in anaheim yesterday walking in downtown disney when anna checked her iPhone and told me lou reed had died at the early age of 71. i was shocked not by his death. we all will pass away someday. but by his age. i am not being ironic when i call dying at 71 'early' for nowadays it is. but that reed for me was ageless in a way the very cool are ageless. reed for me bypassed youth long long ago and entered time like a delta bluesman where things like youth and seniority matter not and a person becomes a Presence. lou reed was such a Presence. whe... more »

Gilles Bonnecarrère, Male Dancers Wanted, 1976

pornochio at discipline in disorder - 2 days ago
*«New York, 1976. I am twenty-three years old. The house where i was living, wedged between two buildings at 42 Water Street, has just burned down. All that it held is gone. On a bench in Battery Park i find an old Village Voice with the following ad : «Male dancers wanted (experience not necessary)». On 46th street, near Broadway, i climb the narrow staircase up to a cashier’s window. Denise, the boss, says : « Are you here for the job ? Come in, have a look, see if you can do it.“* Trouvé hier chez Yvon Lambert ce grand bouquin blanc, tiré seulement à 400 copies, renfermant des ... more »

Corry Shores at Pirates & Revolutionaries - 2 days ago
by Corry Shores [*Search Blog Here*. Index-tags are found on the bottom of the left column.] [Central Entry Directory] [The Dainton – Gallagher Phenomenal Time Debate, entry directory] [All underlining, boldface, and bracketed commentary are my own. Proofreading is incomplete, so mistakes are still currently present.] Barry Dainton “Time in Experience: Reply to Gallagher” Reply to: Gallagher, Shaun. Sync-ing in the Stream of Experience: Time-Consciousness in Broad, Husserl and Dainton, Psyche 9(10), April 2003 Abstract [quoting]: Consciousness exists in time, but tim... more »


ohn Le Carré, A Perfect Spy, 1986

xgatitox at discipline in disorder - 17 minutes ago
J'ai longtemps eu une tendance à passer à coté de Le Carré. Ne me corrigez pas si je me trompe mais je ne dois pas être le seul. Pourquoi? trop 'légitime'? trop gros? trop 'propre sur soi', Espionnage? Déjà que… Espionnage à papa? etc, etc. L'écrivain le moins branché du monde? On le sait bien ici, une pile de mauvaises raisons ça fait une bonne raison s'y coller, et puis Garnier, Roth, ont toujours dit qu' *A Perfect Spy*, c'était très bien. Oui, c'est très bien. Mieux même. On va faire vite, pas besoin d'une vraie review, juste deux trois trucs en passant en forme de LISEZ-LE. Le ... more »

call it


every lover's born your breasts
come to pillage here inside tongue the
tusk. its mere whim
callow  a wheezing
blue. green. vermilion. cerulean.
you are young handsome  she  Light. as a fiance
a grand Guignol. I am inside your thighs.
running hand over your river
 your telephone name. its 1-800-love-
love propinquity mobiles rush
 to your name

__dawn we're dusted with sweat.
ive waited all your life for this .
seconding of weeping.

already we rush   ~


every lover's born your breasts.
come to my pillage. here inside tongue
tusk. its mere whim
callows the wheezing
blue. green. vermillion. cerulean.
you are . Light. as a fiarce.
or a grand guignol. I am inside your thighs.
running hand over your river.
call your telephone name. its 1-800- lo
ve propinquity. Mobiles rush to your name.

-dawn we're dusted with sweat.
ive waited all your life for this .
seconding of weeping.

Already we rush ~

more "the misshapen heads of michel foucault"


more "the misshapen heads of michel foucault"





Does anyone have the right to read things that were clearly meant only for two specific people, i.e. Jim and Fuckbird? Now that they have been exposed to the world’s gaze, albeit in a fairly limited fashion, does anybody except these two (who are dead) have any right to make objections about or exercise control over the manner in which these private documents and records of intimacy are used?

she thought/ it w/as a /cat/knot a bog

we reblogged

“She thought for the first time in her life that it was nothing that was hers, that belonged to her,”

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, Joyce Carol Oates (via

Joyce Carol Oates is James’ Joyce’s sister/His Double. She added the Oates to conceal her identity and avoid scandal/




them thingsBut not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty,

Anti-Logos the Literary Machine

It's not easy to see things in the middle rather than looking down on them from above or up at them from below, or from left to right or right to left:try it,and you'll see that everything changes.
__ AtP/F.Guattari__ G.deleuze

1 note

To write and thus to forge for herself the antilogos weapon. To become at will the taker and initiator, for her own right, in every symbolic system, in every political process.

Hélène Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”
To write and thus to forge for herself the antilogos weapon.
10 notes

    Do cut ups with critics /if you like or do not agree or differ or do not does not matter cut it up make it yr own /a piece of yr own thought view and opinion /think for yr self
    And yet  good-natured) Maya Angelou. But surely what matters about Plath, as about Angelou, is the audience. These are poems for people who dont read poems, though in Plaths case one must add feminist ideologues, who regard her as an exemplary martyr to patriarchal nastiness.”
    From the Introduction of Sylvia Plath: Blooms Major Poets (Comprehensive Research and Study Guide).
    2 notes
    • #joyce carol oates
    She thought for the first time in her life that it was nothing that was hers, that belonged to her,
    —Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, Joyce Carol Oates (via scicchitano)

    • #thomas pynchon
    • #Gravity's Rainbow
    • #cover
    This is fantastic. I seen a few covers but never anything like this. It almost looks staged, ‘interpreted.’
    (Source: hold-steady, via cinemaissatanschurch)

    When I was ?

    When I was one-and-twenty
    I heard a wise man say,
    "Give crowns and pounds and guineas
    But not your heart away;
    Give pearls away and rubies
    But keep your fancy free.”
    But I was one-and-twenty,
    No use to talk to me.”

    • 8
      • 1

    Anti-Logos the Literary... antilogostheliterarymachine.tumblr.com Posts 742 Followers 58 Activity Drafts 146 Liked 1,167 posts Following 47 blogs ► Radar Photo fiore-rosso Tumblr Radar Text Photo Quote Link Chat Audio Video antilogostheliterarymachine You reblogged cinemaissatanschurch hold-steady Source: This is fantastic. I seen a few covers but never anything like this. It almost looks staged, ‘interpreted.’ #thomas pynchon #Gravity's Rainbow #cover 9 notes You reblogged millionsmillions “Twitter somehow encompasses both sides of the Emily Dickinson dichotomy. On Twitter, the Nobodies have seized hold of the mic and managed to occupy the bog.” — Franzen and the Twitter Bog by Lydia Kiesling (via millionsmillions) #twitter #nobodies #emily dickinson 14 notes You reblogged cinemaissatanschurch cultoftheblackmother Source: “Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength.” — Thomas Pynchon (via cultoftheblackmother) #thomas pynchon #who else? 10 notes antilogostheliterarymachine youtube.com Source: My Blue Eyed Jane-Jimmie Rodgers (by Kyle Johnson) #Jimmie Rodgers Next page → © Tumblr, Inc. Help About Apps Developers Themes Meetups Jobs Legal Privacy