The postcard read
"Dear HY Many, Thanks for the money for the baseball game (I sent him money for tickets to the Giants home opener last year) I will certainly go to a game. AS for your "Hockey Sonnets and Sketches" book. I prefer baseball to Football or hockey. I abhor what your book extols, your truly Lawrence Ferlingetti
truth. I got the paper. What a joy it was to see the ink smudges on the post card. He's right I was wrong to think that anything that has to do with war and all the pernicious subcultures of its uglines are acceptable.
Funny story eh. Mostly because I felt he could feel sympathy for people from my father family and because Lawrence served and ultimately was educated on the GI Bill. WHat a kick. I laughed so hard I almost tripped in my grave. He's right. I've ssen the light NO more War. STill, those drawing are laive to me. TRallalaleeeee allbest bestboy paddy
ps he took the money anyway HaaaHHHa O ILove thee universe of anexactitude Dada DUffy strive
Esteemed Professor Schmitt,You will receive any day now from the publisher my book, The Origin of the German Mourning Play. With these lines I would like not merely to announce its arrival, but also to express my joy at being able to send it to you, at the suggestion of Mr. Albert Salomon. You will very quickly recognize how much my book is indebted to you for its presentation of the doctrine of sovereignty in the seventeenth century. Perhaps I may also say, in addition, that I have also derived from your later works, especially the « Diktatur, » a confirmation of my modes of research in the philosophy of art from yours in the philosophy of the state. If the reading of my book allows this feeling toemerge in an intelligible fashion, then the purpose of my sending it to you will be achieved.
With my expression of special admiration,Your very humble