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Clifford's ____/AsSemBlaGe/a Put together/___
It’s not easy to see things in the middle, rather than looking down on them from above or up at them from below, or from left to right or right to left: try it, you’ll see that everything changes. A.tP/Guattari&Deleuze
------------------------------------------It’s not easy to see things in the middle, rather than looking down on them from above or up at them from below, or from left to right or right to left: try it, you’ll see that everything changes. A.tP/Guattari&Deleuze
people like the word ‘seamless’
ReCall To Poetry: i feel
i feel that I am writing even when I am not writing. It’s as if I am in a state of writing at all times, and so when I sit down to actually compose, it’s a question of readiness.
Do you know what I mean? I am in a state of writing all the time, I am writing al the time, or if things are really cooking and I am tuned in, asif I was in a state of poetry at all times,
so I when I sit down to compose, and for me, it’s a fairly intensive
state, and I write quite fast, at least at first, then re-working or
doctoring as I see fit..
So that writing, and poetry is a state of mind too. And I think that’s why some poets come across more or less interestingly to me. Others, the more so called professional types don’t interest me. It’s a culture, poetry is a culture too, you know, each poet bringing a culture and sensibility to it….
i feel that I am writing even when I am not writing. It’s as if I am in a state of writing at all times, and so when I sit down to actually compose, it’s a question of readiness.
Do you know what I mean? I am in a state of writing all the time, I am writing al the time, or if things are really cooking and I am tuned in, as
So that writing, and poetry is a state of mind too. And I think that’s why some poets come across more or less interestingly to me. Others, the more so called professional types don’t interest me. It’s a culture, poetry is a culture too, you know, each poet bringing a culture and sensibility to it….