crash mash

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arrow pointing down ____ Arrow pointing up its gonna Crash but Pat knew what to do Pat knew what to do~!  


;Pat met Norm Norm met Pat he said I gotta get organized papers flying all over the room paper ssssssssssssssss flyin all lover the room the market's gonna Crash! its gonna Crash but Pat knew what to do Pat knew what to do~!

She Studied the secrets of shares and stocks and her cat stared at her all day
But she told Bob not to Roard she sauntered to work an lived in a rooom

No Bid NO Bid no BiD! 

She Studied the secrets of shares and stocks and her cat stared at her all day she sauntered to work an lived in a rooom

____________Pat the stock broker   __________________________________________________________________t to work at a young age she went to work a t younger age than you~ she read them books night an day an figured out the stock market while you went out to play she had a room and aplace to stay she walked to work just about any day One day she went right up to the top she went right to the ToP of PlAce ViCtoria she was in the clouds of your world market she saw the money go up an down she saw the stocks rising and falling            

Pat McCaffery had a cat Pat ! Pat Pat had a cat the cat disaPPeared the cat wentround the corner Pat Pat Pat was s a d the cat took off roun' the corner the cat took off round the bed ! Pat chased the cat but the cat was hid Pat Pat Pat! & the cat
