_______ a machine--- dada DuffeE here an there Blog Being ReDonE remAke your blog/to contingencies/aleatory/conditions of time ...'a lot a little schizo ... round the bevEled edges..'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reOrgAnd
__liKe __LIke__Ism
it is a new disease the infinite 'like' fits i n with the millions who speak similarly ~ a hand twitches
like like
like like
how many likes ? how many dislikes
i suspect it takes away invention and fertility of the imagination the desire to create to invent to discourse on what one sees intelligently
now this is legitimate perhaps for those who have no command or understanding of the language of
those they encounter but for those who can speak and write its a failure to rise to the co-creation of what one is capable of
i treated it lightly at first a light touch hoping to arouse a dada 'leger' response
but nothing of the sort happend in these closed out 'media