101 years after the 1918 Manifesto the anitdialectial machinery of Dada Tristan Tzara ...





 I am he the new dada mamamamamachinnnerrrrrry of stratospheric atmosphere


but that year you forgot all about dada  too an tristan tzara an tristantzara an you were reading you were reading you were reading another cinema calendar of the waste land its dissolving frames a mile a minute....

 as your ruckus went somewhere else turning round the right bend of


every delire every dangerous delire in two and one in town 

  in tow to her love boat, or her love crutch or her love but,


no one knowing 

  no one know it was rain an snow in mid may the prince the slate of may when marching ban ds  of proletariat showed up....


  to was continue was fed to its hurrting  loving real self....                      an her body was gone/














































