abandon help? hope


See misbegot edifice

Edifice aafeesia

she said abaddon or was it abandon
help O Gabriel yer gif is fifed &
trotted by the bare barren of the wood
she's like that when pleasures stalk her night

and other amazes that rankle her measure
like any other submarine she tilts title
tickling the pin sin of waking
hugging me like a lover

over the anger of similes and dada
twists a fin or two shunting down
oles and bullfights in Paris in San Francisco
dangling a pot or two before the I

that wishes it had a handle on beast
like formation cunning as UnHeimlich

Stop says the telegram I arrive at dawn
your bed a waking gleam where lovers lie
her breast heaved before the breathless taste of its air


who owns a verse|fer You in Yer EaR

who owns a word
'one' two 'two' 'hangs' hang hang its a hanging
hanging is that a witch up yer ass?
that Oedipus?
is that a rope roun' yer neck
is that 'one's (using the word 'one'
busted alie_nation. Imagine lover's
worddeath to spawn) 'hangin' up & down a lover
on a mountain
not love's semantic rattling of
signifier bones & jone
kick ass come
boundaries best
saw of Oedipus
call her mummy
who this Oedipus bum

You chump

desiringmachine onlie
work when break
onlie beloved these
sonnet of eyes
& bone
yer hep
cat whines
to my heart
of body



if therE was commentary it might go something what sheet of textile is this, what hammer of no and everyon is she tallking about? is that a body she wants, or him? is her there in her head, or hanging to the detext of deterritorialization and hunger? How can out go in when out's been out so long it dont been in?

captured plane heart

captured plane


fer Enemy

and loves

inside view
inside view

chronique summer 83-4

t magazine. one randy put out. gt her/him in trouble.over a poem which mention meat hanging and some punkette, her cunt in her hand, walking up St. Laurent blvd. go figure.

later there was Raw Verse that cause problem too. sometime in Montreal city. politico correcters. erasers. of head. and the french lover
sayingto me, My breeeeeessssttttsss
she was frightened or worried her breasts were too big, but it was no t th e case,
it was her head Ego, too big.

A, walked her around all night, as her/him coughed out the
pain, when S, dumped, him , a cruel word if ever there was one.

and the Show at the Cafe/Cafe Commune was very successful. Pat read from Blue Dog poems , with the band.

Dada duffy wore her hat, trimmed in her hand,
conifered & coiffed for the gods~~

chronicle_ 1984

Nietzsche's Daughter. First time. Flute/Stand-Up Bass. Bagel etc.
Performance. St.Laurent Blvd. St. Lawrence boulevard, the Main, the main.
girls like boys. dressed with sexsweaters like night keeping cloth in the
burning night. Not
st. Matins.

Or other place.

Or say _ she thought he was queer even after love lunging death

alive dive


cut collage


in the flake was a chair
round table and other



after maison flake dada, nada she was the blunder of alcoholism and maxine or what became of that night of poetry down the hill?
or Punketariat?

1978 was the rivetted year of


____________________________Then we went back to Paris, listening to the electric
lectures of the strange professor.reading dOris Lessing's 'special' novelsthat weren't novels at all.________________I was learning about Art/ combinations ________

chronicle 1978



debullion street _ readies for No More Fun Punketeraiat show/performance

before this Maison Flake _ 1976 disaster

organ flounder


More coming about this forgotten era! which occurred on the cusp, the moment, a dialectical moment as one might say just prior to the nationalists taking over in Quebec   

 it's quite conceivable these types of movements such as Dada Duffy and Maison Flake, the Punketariat and others __ later like Fouism failed because of this perhaps? __ could only take place before nationalism and for a short while into its existence _- its tenure, as by its very nature Nationalism is against ideas like Dada

         Dada,  the first and oritginal Dada was after all born against war the big stupidities war that was really the Monstrous war of Nationalist the Disease

Isms of all sorts are from , hail from Outer Space and are diseases of the Human spirit,

                   Dada is from Inner space and is the Telephone of Desire  and Desire Machines _____________________________________________________

chronicle 1966

__ day she dressed up like a girl halloween was
walk the street t o high school dance
thats when she met Jean Genet
at dance with hard on in he r skirt, tight fitting
she was

exhaled by her lover
of bold.

lipstick and her crotch swollen
with the.

Was she a drag queen
or drag gender
in her wake
fields and walks of fuck

fuck walk of wake fields her buttocks a song

later in the dadaphones in Cologne she
strech pants wore in giza gallons and mia farrow glasses
her ass was the catch all prize of numerous fighters
and their pillows


Her ass, her ass! she exclaim three times,
dying as she came.
following the street


of that the rent was too paid good
in paris was somber fligh t and geese her Greece lover
over nights when torture cell rang
sipping copy all night
as it

an d

rasped the greek song

her face proud
high the air




of androcles and her molecule was a spare part
not a missive grammar o f denuding sense but her sheep
a leash to hang sphinxes
or a hand on "white" hot stove
she'd never noted

as it wander wayward
her wend of field to bare

in limpid pairs claw gaunter
the saunter

its my handful of down
not your
called to her shelved pixel
as the open tennis tournament made for that continuous poem called dada



rictus victoire was her state.
over becoming endless bumpy & shut up stapes.
Stapes? shoutes her DadaDuffess, shes gathering goon
squads to work her fits, carry her mits.
Some say this does not rhyme, well
doodly squat for them and their boring
repetitive already foreseen forever
heard and known verse. oR versifying
. its not a n interest to her.
As she has left her breast in the bush.
found signifiers and worrisome detalling
best left to pest.
of bog and bireland she was blest
with a built in becomers machine desired
by all xcept the priest facing south.

Was a random Tuesday her only Detroit?





over vitus & victus

shamble fruit ~ not a subect I-eye

Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera

                                       Not Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera

[for kathy acker, dead 97, balance-programme for a desiring-machine]

athy acker, dead 97, balance-programme for a desiring-machine]  dont lead yr heavywater death machines killya? will the word speak simple single sinner? shall her blackball high the machine goes on/ hold speak I to I not Eye to You

 Two hundred and ten pounds no way!

Shes got dromotrec:? she holds the meter of speed contracted blues of the bellytobgelly blues break that poetry thing end I I end? I end Ideepuss. Highdeeppussy.
Not a lesbianbaby     ~

Not Eye_I inthe Oedipus Camera

the prediliction

the pre_di liction

diction of teeth besides word dross

ship stave run


of organs and ?




she went for xerox
gestetner knee her kneecap-
over hill & dale


                                         anti  ~.



was ballade

in votive Ciceronian

victorian shelter


was a funny word, she lifted it (up) the page
handling as a hedge



bat's privy


the diction


the squire has her mother, and no one

else, but a dictionary


she g..ot ..

She got a rider rider her cyber
her organ wand

time she is obloverse
and extended her body of into
inlude .

Of this she amble in the cyber field her following her, other. Blogbecome.




you got a rider, Squire?

you got a rider, Squire?

                          you got a rider, Squire?

you got a rider, Squire?



how cld. any

picture a ghost when it wander?

when it present like a smoothing ship
acrOss the lamination of her mouth

her mooring




zip the body without

or some crank of a body on





dada d

dada d
into the hot stuff did cool was patriated exile au cause de ca

not her fault

chronique 2


this blog was destroyed by the enemy


originally invented in 2004


boldy bloggin where blogoverses arE
bodes in space

dada duffy

chronicles of the schizo organ and her wander


because there is nothing to paint, and nothing to paint with. Although there is nothing to express, nothing with which to express, no desire to express... no power to express , the artist has the obligation to express .

because nothing express paint nothing to with although nothing is express nothing with no desire which ...

permuations follow as
in bryon gysin's formula

9 times 8 times 7 times 6 times 5 times 4 times...

and the yield in nothing is enormous.

S. Beckett's quote which I play[ed] above is in refernece to the painter
Bram Van Velde, a friend of the writer's.

  • found

    found was orpheecd image from photobucket. remembers to combine