this was the rag woman notion

Bc got the low-down (and out) on notion ~ its trellis work. wrought steal. or cameo topictura.a democratic carriage of concentric percolation. __; she is haberdydasherdy to its number of trival; sell, out to rink soaking rinse, the structure of choice; the remainder of womb; the sudden of ajectival archival; close to one near arriva[l]. departure not close, or sapience as knowing your near my notion. You got the notion. Not a brob, but abob, agog, so it go. Whence your fortune; cookie. Not guild and build nor bildungsroman.

Word smuggler to here. Hear that notion.Notion peddlar rag bender. So c to d was c.c. to b.c.

the din the din my dear is deafening
yet the noise of her thigh ~