Re: Re: is it a bird plane a lover? this is getting a bit ...


this is getting a bit  ...

         yes it is  so

                                 what herald holds her hat

                  if she thinks making love to someone'll help she's wrong

                         she's in the long arms

                      of another woman

                                whose loving sighs

                                        and that extra moment of opening world

                                               space categorized by the tip of her finger

                                                         your mouth makes for  a same lover's kiss

                                                              a kiss you never had except from another woman

                                                                            whose loving arms your wondered for all night

                                                                                            tonight each night holding

                                                                                                           round the wondering

                                                                                                              of cheap rent

                                                                                                                because three was one

                                                                                                                                     was two

                                                                                                                            because it was

                                                                                                                   you and me



Re: Re: Re: is it a bird plane a lover?

the Prophetic Books.. On Homer's Poetry... William Blake ...

William Blake (1757–1827).  The Poetical Works.  1908.

Appendix to the Prophetic Books
On Homer’s Poetry
A poem must necessarily be a perfect Unity, but why Homer’s is peculiarly so I cannot tell: he has told the story of Bellerophon, and omitted the Judgement of Paris, which is not only a part but a principal part of Homer’s subject.

  But when a work has Unity, it is as much in a part as in the whole. The Torso is as much a Unity as the Laocoon.
  As Unity is the cloak of Folly, so Goodness is the cloak of Knavery. Those who will have Unity 

exclusively in Homer come out with a Moral like a sting in the tail. Aristotle says Characters are

either good or bad; now Goodness or Badness has nothing to do with Character. An apple tree, a pear tree, a horse, a lion are Characters; but a good apple tree or a bad is an apple tree still: a horse is not

more a lion for being a bad horse; that is its Character: its Goodness or Badness is another consideration.

  It is the same with the Moral of a whole poem as with the Moral Goodness of its parts. Unity and

Morality are secondary considerations, and belong to Philosophy and not to poetry, to Exception and

not to Rule, to Accident and not to Substance. The Ancients called it eating of the Tree of Good and Evil.
  The Classics! it is the Classics, and not Goths nor Monks, that desolate Europe with wars.

Note 1. This and the following piece are engraved on a single plate, in Blake’s Illuminated Printing, circa 1817. [back]

Hans Richter 1928 Dadaist Film

this film is dedicated to Columbus Ohio Street Performer Th' Rocknroll Reverend, who on the night

of March 1st 2011 during a performance on the corners of 5th and High Streets, was beaten by two

unknown assailants who were instructed by a young man and his overweight "Trick" to beat him. Th'

Rev then made his way to a local tobacco store                                                                                                        where he was molested by an elderly hippie with a

                                                                                           blonde fright wig. Th' Reverend was last seen wearing an Elephant Trunk, Red,White and Blue Top

Hat. White Hooded Terry Cloth Robe and Indian Moccasins. Anyone with any information to this

Crime please Contact the Columbus Ohio Police. And the next time you see Th' Rev, Don't take his 

                                                               coffee...Just give him a cigarette!




______________Breaking in my manarchist booties __________________________________________

  1. 20mOrpHeeCd

    OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet

    Doan become Blase about the cendres! senders! O shoulder!

    Reply to  
    Image will appear as a link
  2. 21mOrpHeeCd OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    The seconde time I was the TransSibErIan Train you were 16. Wenting east and west lack and berth.
  3. 22mOrpHeeCd
    OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    O saw can you sea the translate banging machine?
  4. 2hOrpHeeCd OrpHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    "O, you mean the struggle for love and the sowiveall of the prettiest?" - legsbrewster: Joyce on marriage? F…
  5. 2hOrpHeeCd OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    “And you’ll see if I’m selfthought.” - From James Joyce’s ‘Finnegans Wake’ (p. 147) 
  6. 2hOrpHeeCd OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    “Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were…” 
  7. 14hOrpHeeCd OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    champagnechildren: “He thought that he was sick in his heart if you could be sick in that place.” — James Joy… 
  8. stellavine: ‘Nora’ 51 x 56cmAcrylic on canvas2011(Nora Barnacle - Joyce) O~ this is charmin~ 
  9. 8 FebOrpHeeCd OrpHeeCd @orpheecdpoet
    camberwellfoxes: Meet The Joyces James, Nora, Lucia and Georgio Joyce dining Camberwell Foxes Radio & Blog A…




Artist who works in several mediums 


  1. Doan become Blase about the cendres! senders! O shoulder!
  2. The seconde time I was the TransSibErIan Train you were 16. Wenting east and west lack and berth.
  3. O saw can you sea the translate banging machine?
  4. "O, you mean the struggle for love and the sowiveall of the prettiest?" - legsbrewster: Joyce on marriage? F…
  5. “And you’ll see if I’m selfthought.” - From James Joyce’s ‘Finnegans Wake’ (p. 147) 
  6. “Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were…” 
  7. champagnechildren: “He thought that he was sick in his heart if you could be sick in that place.” — James Joy… 
  8. stellavine: ‘Nora’ 51 x 56cmAcrylic on canvas2011(Nora Barnacle - Joyce) O~ this is charmin~ 
  9. camberwellfoxes: Meet The Joyces James, Nora, Lucia and Georgio Joyce dining Camberwell Foxes Radio & Blog A…
  10. schadenfreudist: Of course, Nora was quite a looker herself. Indeed!
  11. If it gets any colder and windier then this city'll just clamber and become an igloo!