a zizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzag jag roun' the town of the ...

you call that a walk? a stroll? more like a Stride a Giant Pounding Along the Earth

Shaking it Like Hermes the giant pillar!


well my dear from your chinny-chin
you liked
as it suited
you spinny-spin sin
and yer bum

Now yer grace
is past
a garter-belt that won't last
yr lust

in the dark

astral path


O these rains
O these day

O these (and) now yr sleeping alone
too bad for you
yr sleeping alone


(the hidden art works of clifford duffy)

a city walk


dada went for a meander stroll_she becomed a true schizo out for a hefting boom peripatetic walking talking ____walk and
when he came back everybody was gone ~ poof poof! out like a bad fluorescent lite!

that's how it goes when ye live on the dada calendar. an impressionist painting is not the same as a late imitative expressionist . but a crow is not a dog. a sign is not a god .

O the sighs of the vain ladies
and the fat moon's ass!
O ye
paper pauper!


Was love a golden bone?



One thing Dada always disliked is th ee sentimental in art. a moon that barked. like a screaming dog. gave nightmares|if the moon's blonde its worse

|theres a curse in the blind womb moon|

music hath charms to sooth the savage breast

Now playing: Maurice Ravel - Panorama: Maurice Ravel - Bolero (Tempo di bolero, moderato assai) (Berliner Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan) (16:01)

et des autres gouts musical de le radio __________________
depuis 07:00
Programme musical

L'Art de Karel Ancerl

Par Robert Rudolf
rediffusion du 21.11.06


Sergueï Rachmaninov
Variation sur un thème de Paganini, op.43
Daniel Wayenberg, Piano
Orchestre de Concertgebouw d'Amsterdam
Karel Ancerl, direction
réf : TAHRA TAH 155
et à...

Par François Hudry
rediffusion du 20.06.07


01:00 - Transition musicale
01:05 - Programme musical
L'Art de Michael Rabin (1936-1972)
Par François Hudry
04:05 - Programme musical
Petits arrangements entre amis
Par Nicolas Southon
06:55 - Transition musicale
07:00 - Programme musical
L'Art de Karel Ancerl
Par Robert Rudolf
10:00 - Programme musical
Intégrale des Quatuors de Beethoven (3)
Par François Hudry
13:00 - Programme musical
A Boire & à Manger
Par Marine Kaleka
16:00 - Programme musical
Pour la main gauche (1)
Par Benjamin Hertz
19:00 - Programme musical
L'Art de Fritz Reiner (III) : Les années à Pittsburgh, 1938-1948
Par Olivier Le Borgne
22:00 - Programme musical
Ebène versus Modigliani
Par Laurent Lefrançois

L'émission consacrée au cinéma revient pour une quatrième année sur France Vivace et France Musique (en simultané). 1ère partie : l'actualité du DVD, du Blu Ray Disc et du Livre de cinéma. 2ème partie : La B.O. intégrale de Marco Beltrami pour le film de Bertrand Tavernier "Dans la brume électrique" (2009). Rediffusion : jeudi 1er octobre à 13 heures.

we strange

____________ most __West is here__________________

[let's consider these are badly made __ they gotta go]
to the junk k

( O
the breath


is the night a witch's broom?
(barooom ~)

kaboom ~ cumulous
is quiet loud
not loud quiet

see in this book of eyes and picture there are ears and hands around an astral space that grabs your body . shimmer of your night lover. the firefly shimmer ~! glimmer~ kissed its rim

( i cant help but come to your hips and breast
mouths meeting)

then it heard you cry out ~! O Body Close to mine is yours ~ O body never seen ~
around here the city is a pushy bedroom. hundreds fall in bed with lovers. each night. you hear the cry, sigh, grunt and snap of lovers bite. (this time we made two days a night a year)
if they hear you
get shy

but none hear us
silent in one another’s arms
_________________________how many times did I feel your mouth
sex of your love and the words we dont say but say
the clandestine river of you ... my boat comes up your river. holding tight it crawls along banking then stronger stronger it climbs up your thighs opening

and you felt me up there
far into your heart
your tummy
kissed by

_________________ this way you say dirty words
not capitalist love affairs not the middle class guilt of the secondary sickness the world's lie. its piecemeal shit. this way love is not a truck and a clock. a factory piece.


_________________________ This might work
The askings of the verse timber along. We hear the 'Extrait de "Messagesquisse" de Pierre Boulez par l'Octuor de Violoncelles lors d'un concert à Carthage'. | as our dance huddles at the thought. So 2

ask the____________________| On the other Hand the Spaces
need work?

askings of the verse
at it

clinks the glass of spending.

Yes but two ask is better . ask to

the tucked in covet ~

A series of cabinets.

hold horses death comes by like a might-y mouse sea.

night cap to tea.
rails against forest. quiver the eye-brow


a bending neck is always soothed by song.

what orgon melon's hampered by lust.
winks of wind. is September's other game.

she wilds the wood on her haunch.

pardon me? I'm entitled to be ignorant.
like a fire hydrant of stupidity she hucksters her navy blue shit.
her tiny Wanda ass is no good for spades.

plays the card dealer backwards. she's a tramp without pants.

what's the bother without this cousin of pillars
eaves, and cantilever ?

shit with an onion tastes better than that.
wheels of her gown choked back the 'wicked' consent.
turns a phrase into a substantive.
argues first premises.
supposed to have given a talk
about her past and how she came to be here
and whats happening

instead. a mistral. lecture. on the four burials of dawn.

a Listerine pepsodent talk.

(it's not "co-dependent')

Jill knows her shoes are rent. She's back bacon to her pork and beans. the machine the machine covets the sky. it's fictions over epistemology any day. all missives are first place in the running down. read the literature first. all augments are fouth staff.

reterritorializing the machine. shes desire bound for (the )playa ( a mesa of routines). cranberry and soup. not boysenberry. or galloped pages across the head of death.

going North lady and gentleman?
or buried mule. kicking in sand.

Satan and her buddies share the gruel. Stuck to wheat.
we always find clovers to wheat.

Heave the cup spoon over her backslung buttock.
I 've seen the sand kicking the dead.
they play checkers with the sun

When the big boom clutters the wrought room your knight
is paged for Ghent.
She's seen her overtures go dry.
Her ovarian soup come back.

What does sick mean? in this clinic?

You've half chipped the sun from its peasant wake.
Knocked at the standing door of fountain.

She's roughed up the gage of her ceiling.
No one knows the way back.


______________________ Assume these are badly written verses

lines of discourse from bk. 4 .
Beside the fictions
the venue is personae fictation.

this verse twist about ~

-------------------------------back the shop ___________________

two hobos wandering around the sun
cooking on their hot plate
me and a friend sometime in there
out there in eternity


so button

you will be mouth
against river as silent teeth peeve its true switchback
there are narrative and slaves over this tent
sorrowed by the true route
its boxed in lathe not a knight's
route but weathered by owls and geese you pray


not being you


Not being you
is pure beauty
but becoming you is better

as yer becomings are beauty beauty's
best beau

as bow-tie to you is sun and sun
celebrating its gala joyous gliding ~
we deem you
glad ~ ,


this is passable? Does it bust off from normative mode??
if Hermlet has nothing else to do but watch
a fat man cut his own guts
its because the decay of others "holds no interest"


for the waves that round on her mouth are my kisses heading .....
there the words flutter like what? things we wont say
private pairs secret fruit or lemon airs quench thirst as the 21st mouth
needs inside its wholenss rugged terrains picking its cherries . these
autumn gatherings are nothing if not fair ~

inside your wisp the bells chimes
season of river fox and .


The "Hermlit" series.


the 'inside' goods...a comic renewal?

___________________________who do you think you are?_______

the inside goods on good .

will this be poetry's platonic good,

or the anexact phrase

"auditory hallucinations" like, say, Virginia Woolf's hearing birds speak classical Greek ___

a Corinthian column 'hallucinated"

collucinated sinated .



shes not juss any gal who cookies her beats down the gingerbread scoopyadig? shes willin'taplayanytime day and night. gotta a garter belt a footthickwide kickyerarse with it too. slang her's game, whipping fosting what was that word, coming like abeard down the dime store paperback of her willin'
desire not like any sucker but any one at all was shovedto herpermiter of self. busted by ghost and no one. shes as likely to be had as spent.pained by gathered geese. a current theme'o mine.

O my cookie shuaga where's yer sweet label I dont mean labile or labia but the princess of your thighs


the side of pell. so you mell. yr mell. this way. walk upsidedown. eternal enter strangedicitions. odd 'sin' taxed of spapapappaspeeceeachCapt'in Nemo Momby muuddeedick. Shall the child see Cartoons
to see her waY?

(even the furniture was. hexed
movement spinned all.
she came to holding for a kiss
whirling winds





the recourse

'f love's happy coincidence

(owls, jowls , allergies, change of season)
(right night _ hoot __ poot __ coot _ fear of winter's and horrid domain
the monsters from under Sea)

(you're re-reading 20,000 leagues undeR

the SeA )

( made me think a little of Moby Dick at first, but then not, it's lighter
less intense , happier even
plateau of levities)


a man told me your secret
stay with the coincidences
you were looking for someone
from a previous life
was she?

she wore red, red. she wore red. then she was . i was .


Icons of Women Saints by Matthew D. Garrett

_________________________ Are you Christian Mister Duffy?
No, but I like the ikon and how it figiures forth as a singular energy. of differences between women and men. and their love.

and what is a saint? what can be a saint now perhaps lovers.

Ikons of the saints .... interesting link.. I've included some of the images that can be found at Matthew Garrett's website...

"Excluded from the College of Apostles and the hierarchy by their gender, women were nevertheless among the most ardent and important followers of Christ on earth and throughout the centuries. Relatively few were added to the list of formal saints, however. Those who did were generally biblical figures, martyrs, monastics, or royals ... singly or in combination:.."

St. Brigit of Kildaire &
St. Marcia.

St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, St. Mary of Egypt

Great Martyr Catherine, and St. Deborah the Prophetess.

Imagine these women
who loved god
She was a saint
she prayed &
walked the turn
lifted each moment up
its e.s.p. to a power greater
enhancing the thing she foresaw
each contour of their vision
always her smile

each puff of smoke
a taste of god


As writers squeezed the earth forth filled with saints she spoke hearing their names and knocks. Saint Emily Saint Slyvia Saint Anne Saint Violette Saint Emmy Saint Anonymous Saint Sin Saint One Saint Two Saint Sarah Saint Betty Saint Renne Saint Angela and these one s that filtered through her brain and skirts waking the space of her desire left the long heel of their night on her brain.

She was a saint when she prayed
lifted the worrying days past her hands


Source of images ______________>
Icons of Women Saints by Matthew D. Garrett:

ask to

one must keep asking one
two must keep keep asking
keep asking one must one and two must keep ask
ing what is a , what is the discourse of a poem

as it shadows along yer visage

nah, yer face
sidelong to glance the three floors to heaven

and the maxim heavy with the sling ___

here a code breaks : makes axioms __ of exchange. Not stable codes, but fluxes of infinite destabilization.

and desire


Two can ask and three can _ but two can dance
two dancers whirl the ribbon ~

spinning round your lip


how does a

Is painting bridge between bodies

a birdcage between hands?

( bridges between epic bird )


how does a bridge bring becoming
it sings
it sings sing s

how does a fridge stand on its head?

the painting : ballad

So one can ask: what are the lines this painting tracks? how do the lines take flight or whirl and circle curlicue to its design

So what feels: the hidden drama___ but this is not to suggest there is no drama on the surface or that one should look behind __ it is precisely not that : contemporary painting demonstrates that the surface is a sizzling drama _____

the circus of the pieced story the painting ballad

Seeing these paintings
with one's

O my a ballad there was to ballad Becoming

there had been. but now there w.a.s. because . and . because ~ .

there had been. but now there w.a.s. because . and . because ~ .

there had been. but now there w.a.s. because . and . because


Comment:because there had
never been a painting such as|


t(w)o connect

the boat little lovely
that dont


Call it desire. Call it lust, love. Call . Call .

To connect with you, and me. Artist soul body love. The city is like a lover. Take it from here.




if you clip them. you'll find lot of secrets. a place you saunter'd . by harbour. then inward.
to the heart. reaping the fine things of your ginger, and baked rock. then stuff
from astral parts, bodies which swam. round you. it was me too with you
holdin' our hearts. we were. holdin' our hearts.

the roses


So she clipped clipped chipped. She sculpted in bronze, on silver. patterning her hair the way classical models used to. she shipped her heart here. down to the city.it was red and blood and orange too. How can a heart be orange in the city of rain.
She slept over there, always on the way.Meeting us. here and there. her-e and t'he're.
some filiation of past encountering presents ~

___ they found a painting of her hair and his eyes in there.

_______________________her hands bound around his ~



come my whispering one
the roses are yours

( looking




burrow thru

Optimisms of burrow, through-ways past cyncial machines. power :contiguities. blocs. not blocks.

flow thru- shady lamps. knock out space. ribbon please. not
reaction. aries semblance. not personal subjetivisits.

eating apples please.

standeth hearth mare.
O when was her hip aflare.

Cometh to her
invisible becomes


In the lands of Chronopolis click burrows, flip
caesura, uncompose hanging holes
retreat body in eye of empty
remove fate change shores
plane of consistency

crack silent body-without-organs
body without disease

[when]passing the seventh
gate o'inpressed ignore
dream of her body
press kiss the pouch .

lateral foot not
tumtum tumbler

slide elide
horizontal pitch
not gravy of comment
umkempt keep private


quelle ligne trace tu.. felix guattari and deleuze, gilles, were honorary Dadaists after the fact....

If you dont know the lines someone traces or the lines of fligh they make you wont understand the problem they pose.... 

Extrait d'un cours de Gilles Deleuze filmé à Vincennes par Marielle Burkhalter. Des enregistrements audio des cours de Gilles Deleuze (MP3) sont téléchargeables

De l’ami F. G. : L’ami, c’est celui qui se tourne vers l’autre. Et qui constitue l’autre. Pas forcément dans un rapport d’identification, parce que l’amitié est parallèle à un rapport agonique. Mais qui, dans ce rapport singulier à l’autre, déploie un certain univers. Dans la complicité amicale, il y a toujours un troisième terme qui est le monde que l’on est en train de tisser, que l’on est en train de travailler. Et l’amitié socratique, ce n’est pas quelque chose qui se résout dans une identification homosexuelle. Dans une incorporation de l’autre. C’est quelque chose qui est là pour tendre un filet qui dépasse complètement les rapports interpersonnels et qui donne une certaine consistance à un certain type d’objets qui sont les objets conceptuels. ______________________________ Entretien avec Félix Guattari en 1991 à la

__________________n i g here there h_________________

ight 's a mouth with tawny teeth

element holding
juice and

(you've cared
around his eyes)

of rose


(the rose
of our

your lip
just slightly
as I look


god is on the 'underground'

god is god is public as wish to heart it spells the waving rind of song not wishing the post policing of art. as wish to heart. breathes its best. not. bully to song. its winding piloted stasis. out with its have not wish resenting resenting hate its half baked butter 's not kind to love's kingdom a people 's prayer not a sentimental fluid bearing gifts to the ignorant 'the' ignorant' our song's a pleasure fest valiant as the uplifted rock chord not the pride of political piece

_____________________________ you've counted the molecules. here the hair's breadth molecule molecule monkey has hazards on her rain bananna bread to her baboon cutes as cuts to any saw dust lawyer not Lanier and her elegant emergencies but the subtle disparities of art's trouble a palace held high _________________________
Doctor come again lover here your hips closer clover little one speak to her doubled wended tricks ring gong as bells gate tarry the wool long enough over their eyes __________________________ you've been many goddess yet knot this 'One' ____________________________ shift your kiss this willow eye to eye in harried dawn ____________________ was it dusk or busk?

a l l n i g h t long

Boogie Woogie baby all night l o n g

Boogie Woogie baby all night l o n g
a l niinnnihght

My baby 's gotta boogie-woogieMybaby

via via via via via via goodworks

the w i n d o w

a funny thing happened when I got up this morning my head fell off when I picked it up it was your eye staring back at me I got a dizzy spell hearing you curse me even under your dying breath saying O this is the man that ruined my life

this is a picture of the telephone pole where I used to live I had a window it was a suture in the seam of things and I was riding down the mountain when you came to say the tree was cut

I moved I dont live in the window room
I went to France
Italy Toronto
Back to Paris
in time for the
nihilism and


I live in a telephone pole
with a racoon

I watch the sly skies
waiting God's intentions
spurring my onward Christian soldiers message

I nev
er did understand the plural or possessive
the cambering need for armies to
about face
in the wind

In the lee of this love
I became a forest not knowing the reactionary délire
was commonplace sort of
like you
commonplace and a little upreared


ro ses

Uhad an ass that was a hand. ~ we held it twogether.

Somebody got lucky
(gangster slangidiom)

pain is pun.
is anagrammatical.
is dissertation.
real. city.
need to be.
. kissed kissed kiss'd
her love.er love.er love.er love.er love.er love.er love.er love.er love.

take the metro .... ~

Take the Montreal Metro with me and others ... this

is Labour Day Weekend __ the last long one of the summer ~ people are happy the air is soft with

( sat by this fountain last night
with friends & visitor from New York ~)

desire and mingling hundreds ....

Bienvenue à

a city is many
and loves

its heart wrapped
around your breath
like a tiger panting
or roughly
gaging his own survial
love's tawny tie ~


You see this

You see this knowing I thought about you. The shape of your eyes, and how you speak. Something about that , it's you. You're a diamond in a sea of rust. I lose my heart, and my personality grows because of you. We ought to catch up, meet, have a drink. Wellington street would be nice, or the boardwalk. You'd see me as I am, almost broken with wanting you.

And you want to know where Wellington street is?
and you want to know this and that
and and and and .



Be the pink Panther ~
not a hot dog!~



take the sedentary whisper of her breasts

as gathering together they leap
lap to her searching veins these broad
ways of attempt effortlessly bringing
sweeping rest to men
planed by their armies provo's in her parent's kip

she dance cavort she sucks his lips right down there
to her s his cock a swivel stick up her mandy honeyed mouthing
over the river and up the tent of his hip now
left thigh right
thigh beggars his embankment
his enjambment to her sickled sex
here cunting raised high to his cock swing river deluxe joy

this is the fuck ending fuck s cunning backward glance
grace of the body backwards in her hands rolled rippled around his ass

her lover sunset fucked to her rolling skies
the evening tent of Venus garbed by her beveled babes
gaggle go go gals geesed to her sparing intent

pull this into your mouth &
suck she say to his saying mouth
rivered to her thigh bound den
bound-den is only mighty words to what he wants
hunkered by the pleasure exhaust of her thighs

come to me baby come to me fuck to my tenderness
silked up by sighs and cry babied to her lover dog
