wanted to, but she didn’t, I didn't, she wasn't__, and I regretted this, thinking there was just that moment when her breast was so there so there it ‘d have consoled me later, knowing I’d felt her breast my hand grazing her breast would’ve warmed the cold night suppled my frozen hands thawed out my numb fingers fingers of leaf And later that day when I came saying her name and another’s who’d caused me pain so much it was my first pain in the new game the game of not being drunk being something else something wise sagacious and loaned from God I was broken broken by the spitoon of it its graciousness pain pain graciousness in my mouth holding the steeple to God standing in my pain shooting right through right through shooting pain that pain the pain of bodies lovers got Later her long body took the pass up and she 'landed' on my bed No, we were not sculling teams but lovers on the long bed