Horus and the rest of the kicked out crowd. Multiplicity as a dog. The Dog King. Resurrection is not necessarily transcendent but can be and is a becoming immanence. Three days in the dog house, and yer return as a god was budding blossoms a billion times over, becomings. Virgins and 12s add up to zodiac of pattern ritual and rounding squares. Welcome to the mystery bookof your ten toes 12 steps, and one 13 a Judas(hole) for every beckoning beaker.
Horus and the rest of the kicked out crowd. Multiplicity as a dog. The Dog King. Resurrection is not necessarily transcendent but can be and is a becoming immanence. Three days in the dog house, and yer return as a god was budding blossoms a billion times over, becomings. Virgins and 12s add up to zodiac of pattern ritual and rounding squares. Welcome to the mystery bookof your ten toes 12 steps, and one 13 a Judas(hole) for every beckoning beaker.
Ascend in this sense, is immanent to its subjective torture. What cannot become must be. he and Guattari, were humble, he says in What is Philosophy " However, if it is permissible to criticize such a great artist...." speaking of Tinguely... but if one can criticize what does it foreTell of will and showers of rain. Does your prose speak prose ? is yer performance a sentience of desire-machines breaking.
People who literalize the psychology of the ancient are foolish. Suffer fooling around. She was fooling around.
a Living saviour rare as a radium rain storm. Crowned by coronas of veritable illusions.
In your first prose, you were book and staff. She have rhizome to heed, her bellow.
O Ram's horn. of ram and blam. of shedding and petal. Or rose who flue her eyeballs clapped on kindness.
In your first prose, you were book and staff. She have rhizome to heed, her bellow.
O Ram's horn. of ram and blam. of shedding and petal. Or rose who flue her eyeballs clapped on kindness.