call it_ a character? the 'strange story of' ...


call it the
_: Anus chronicles : ANuBis and something bis....

________Anus becoming a character charades to dates. removes the high sky plummeteding from desire


Anus is love , my love

s working on a big bad poem about . Something, Fonetic knot fanatic. _Kisses _____BISouUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU



is that? my face your ass?|

nakid______________ Nak __ID

R you eveUr Nakid. Say its phonehectic. A phone image. want. That word WANT.

has the word


and in




in that


and the A

's called a Morpheme

which means the smallest possible grammatical unit in a phrase or sentence.

now Morpheme

comes Morpheus ________________ some dude god dedicated to Sleep. Call'im a sleep god, or sleeping god.

-------------------- has relations to Morphine obviously.

And anyhow, Morpheus if you look

More|Pheus or this way Mor|E|PhEus

So its More and
And so on into varied permutations.

Again Lo9ok again what you see is M'Orpheus
Orpheus with a M before the O

Now what does that mean signify auger wish what doe s it say in the sense, or maybe what does it Hint what does it sex?
_________________________ Well Orpheus died
depending on what story you get in different ways and for different reasons.
one of his late[r] lovers ________albeit after his death was Sappho.

Most people think she was a lesbian. therefore the mother of sapphic poesy. True!
however, she was sided. Meaning? She loved the guys too.

In fact, rumour, or legend, which in poetry is the source, the truth, has it she
Threw herself into the Sea
over a young man who refused her love.

Where did she throw herself ? Into the Sea. Into the Sea

Where in fact Orpheus' headhad come floating to her.

What does it all say. Nothing and everything.
Is a letter a Life?

in the sense that
the movement of
M from
changes the character 'of things'


Remmber that the word
in Elizabethan English
your handwriting.
yes literally.
so the word
is always literal.

in one sense,
in the literal

Its literal.

So one's character is changed
by moving the M


as Orpheus becoming Orpheus


Pheus. In grreeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk?
Check it out 'poeplle.
I am thy people

so are oyu naked?

Id like to
suck you



whats a foam

is a m
with a O
and O
with R


as O

Or is gold
so say gold finger

ah! go finger!

go finger myself

in goes his finger
in that hole
the other one
as custard
its Eye


------------------ok dada wheres this goin?goin? groin. Orpheus Morpheus Sappho and the sided sexes the decided/indecided /

inwardto the body's come to your range.

________________________ come tell me what real love is . thy vessel. the dirty words you cannot speak. i speak. in my breath between the teeth of the forbidden.

but we'reall, I mea_, theres nothing forbidden now, Dada
Is that right? come to my ear, I shall forbidden show thee robe on robe. forbade.
its code. and the __ wait. she comes shimmer dust to.
You have to speak in poetry, dont you?|

|gotta speak.
|solar speak|
|live with |
one con



recently I listened to a boring boring
l ng dr'wn out
reading by
its what
i call 'm
I fell Sleepin
into my

my foam

all these brrrng
keep sayin the same stuffImeen in the same way
iz the same with them Canadianzzzzzzzzzzzztowo
id rather be fuckingwouldnyou?

izknotderefolt. iz it?
idprefer hear you moan
and other undSounDable
Love grunts
forbade by god
and men all dem foets


Youd rether beMe.
a freething
youd rather be sappho
and me d be yousappholyrestringed
___________________________wldyoutake offf the clothezz? can I chew yr tit? come yr leg. mutton yrchop. cream yrcorn?
yr brainzbe me.
O come me brain.


N'ORphEus who's neither Orpheus nor Morpheus wants to become your ass your cunt your breast yr cock. his ballsor crowded jewls are sacked ofgold for thee. Is that forbid word? calmcome the word raking yr thigh.

_______okay wefuckedallnit.E. 'rivingtofinddecadestodisvoicediscoverd. DiSCoVered this pyshic paste of your body. Can you r ass become mine?
are you bad/
yes shes very good.
shes he litlte of the lilt of the pussyfucked word.

get ridden of ride ride him round your staircasecoachyourdrivers your body's hump.
fuck his brains off. the rail.
love his fuck ass off.
fuck his eye balls off.
her heart pumps dirt to love the .

whats yer name? my name is fuck. yr name is me. i am .,no say it now. ia m fuck. no. youarefuck. lovesuck. O suck! He craweld into the Inside of Her Bones. Then he Lived in there. She had hollow bone places for him to embark on. he was married.he was her hub. she made her bulwark.her husband. they weret deceived by ennnui overlearned laden poeiss. not that it was bad, but boring to their fuckhandholding body.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| End moralizing Artists. okay its the moveie sex. No CinEmA Amour.||||||||||||||||the great lover cries. she cries. he cries. the snot . the inside out of bodywedded to death. UNgoEs death. Out Out! Death!

-------------------------ive split my cunt for love of you. Surely poetryzzzzzzzzzz gotta be exciting. O apprehrensiion O the sob somber of the dum.b

them deadbeatz.
requiring the old before new.

______________ She married him saying no to shit.
hewas shit. too. Shit two? yes, shittwo and 3. they were million. Not the air. but she was shit two and he 3.

__________________________________I got rid of the 'bad'artist as she was blocing
and capitalists.
Her ass ?
yes, what of it?
he r


very deep.

deep purpple
glue blue/

Blogger has its own tv~ My God!


















because its certain she was rong from the start
it took her apart
sheshee she was certain she was I was certain right she right certain was right I certa

|Certain that she was right. Certain right. she was . her face .

right to right. it broke in three vertiginous planes. cracked round the side of her face ~ planes of her face. and her skirt face pleated round the planes. she was right.|

tain was right I certain her curtai her ncurtain was

because she was certain she was I was certain right she right certain was right I certain her curtai her ncurtain was cer __ her curtain her _ behind her curtain her crenille _ crinOline was curtain to her crenille _ between it her right certain was eyes to her hidden smile her eYEs eYEs eyes Yes
this was her
her ankle
her hand
the invite
to the
land|in the mud
she came
hr blood

of the

smile d ~

waHe was Light
here ~

(she lived
around the corner
in the land of rain ~)

KNot inspired byAny _ moved from becomernot bloomers!
and paninkins!



She made
__________________________________ and made

O my a ballad there was to ballad Becoming


the ballad coming go
[ing ing]
arrives leaves train of paint and hand of painter ~ what's it doing in the middle of the Sea?

to fro

go to come its bad
(are there particles in the picture?
the flower faced being sitting on the line running to the left corner)

strummed on the guit

here was a ballad becoming gallant

___________________ did the ballad get balled-up myth, legend?
where was the obscure song its painting long the walls of the hidden rue
is the ballad a trunk disguised memory a body hung by its held

it wa s coming

round the future of its river walk present as seven years painting
invited seven years (for) the poem's time the stanzas the lines
hipping forth the swinging violets of its oral rhyme scheme
but the man's feet dangling in the colour of the void
for the image inside the image

its Ba
ConCEived worked in the seven years of its


(incepted in the twinkling of the mind)
the eyes of her canvas

Ballader ~

so one didnt forget
turning the
twist touring flag shipping league
after league under the water
(Nemo and
(7 years Ulysses get home to Penelope)
paint an ' photo
(fathoms to find )
(pedagogy & joy)
honey easy
(like love easy
at times the entry)
other time
years in

other time
(a hard birth
a lustful wild panting
animal kiss)
(let there be light)
( a hand spreading the water) seven
in the years
(of creation
spreading the ocean

paint & brush)


in a real




shld we make?
naturmytiske viser

and there is:
religiøse viser, legendeviser
no this was not our verse
historiske viser
is the painting a thousand years
of history
people climbing over fjords 'n snow?

was this the tale?
story one of love

knight of north
south her soft
a lover's picture
how do lovers see

troll- og kjempeviser
giants and trolls?
O the painting walked in the meadow_down
of Giants~ Roar their frightful heart-rending Scream!
troll patrolled
troglodyte plundered under earth
peered at the painting from below to Up below
do monsters remonstrate
from the far depth of their strata
how does a troll see picture

the joker, kidder, jester
mocking all
is this the key?
the key is many

the painting is many
sortie and story its exit
like hand and finger

she got a dozen arms
she's got a half-dozen hands
busy flapping sketches
paintings her breath panting air
(the painter)

So for

the guise
of its appearance

(the painting tells of surface ridges hangings wounds colllapsed bridges sleep
waking reverly )

the tale

rhythm walk
step leap
its making unmaking

travels over the midnight sun

So our ballad basket
finding its design

of the painting
the body
between word and image
surface and strength
of its creation

Time was a

Come to its ballad

coming going to ballad to come tied to its bollard
till launch

to the

of its

See ~

ing ~


Today's blog is a ongoing text is accompanies
the painting
r. antonsen's painting Ballad


As a blog experiment this is novel |

How does one create the appropriate response
to a painting that exists
outside of the blog?

A painting exists in one sense in three
yet a painting
also challenges
the notion
of the same


Painting is already a type of blog__
but the painting is freer
yet also challengers the painter
to reshape matter
or rather
the shape of the shape of matter, to wit:
its appearance___

20th century painting
returned the flat
to painting

freeing the painter from volume
and other weighty matters
such as perspective & resemblance,
freeing the figure and face
and the idea of realism
was put aside
for what it was
one way of seeing and not by any means
the only
or most exclusive


The eye returned to its body
and the hand as much as
the eye becomes the feeling object.

So then
how does the eye
how does a poem
see a painting?

This second blog posting (previously there was a ballad coming ) that I''m doing
as I think about (really it's just one of many)

as I see and look

seeing here
bits pieces
and what do we have here?

picture on and off
for seven years. It seems to me that writing a text which enters the painting's own terms would require not necessarily the same amount of time but that it required a similar tension and attention. So we continue. So one remakes the painting for one self. The question for anyone interested in this type of procedure is how to accomplish it?

We go on because it's not complete ~ yet. the journey continues
the ballad resumes.



The Norwegian medieval
literary terms that I used above were found at

Traiectum blog___a learned, informative, and humorous
blog assembled by a Dutch/Norwegian student living in the Netherlands .

O sweet pervsion

(intermittent) intermingling

O sweet perversion...
your smell is intoxicating
filling the air around her/e
sneaking and leaking
into every orifice

O sweet perversion...
come to your senses
probe the basement
something is hidden
in the hallowed smog
Nikki Dahlke

O sweet perversion...
flushed and blushing
she whispers in your ear
secrets of this and their
how hard and where

with each idea
and every word
he spreads her open deeper (n) wider
until from her lips trickle...
"O sweet perversion"

clattered inside


sez 'portals and conduits' O that turn the elbow. max ernst's elbow. your mouth. wide. as the ra'nb
ow sun
. this has been . which. beam. around balconies. balustrade. not a molecule but near as between comes. slipp'd to inside. what was Inside .


vertiable--- Veritable

UYou mean vertiable--- VeritableVerITabLE not ________________________________ verertiable--tiable|
its very puply to coin such errors.
it opened the date.
or the gate. and kept passing the unkempt murmur of your thought.

okay ok okie dokie

How does it happen

(lik e that kissyouthere ___ like that )

yr chin and chair
ok. between this
& there becomes
the overt laissez-faire of love

i'd imagine that mouth of yours.
yes, yes, you do too. and its around.
i'd imagine that mouth of yours.
yes, yes, you do too. and its around.
honey the honey. O the and then you.
(kiss you inside there, its your mouthhoot!

O you. Cod and key. how big do you take it .
gogagog and pulled mushed right up against you . so much.
ive melted ribs into. cages . and the word. its that.
. how big do you take it?
gogagog and pulled mushed right up against you . so much.
ive melted ribs into. cages . and the word. its that.
(big enough for lust's baloon Loom)
yes. ok. okie dokie.

(once inside

you're singing


love's batter

squirm churn)

(then its hmmmm

ahahahimmm more than come im hum
ahahahimmm more than come im hum
rumdrum boombamummmmmhhhuh! rumdrum boombamummmmmhhhuh!

i've got to admit i say yr name
saw you

inside handmouth)

(stand up
in your room
like I d
inside handmouth)

like I do



that's how okay that's how
we do it fr now

we do it do it
f r now
we do it

call display

A pyrrhic lyre between eyes that peek
what she whispered over the hull of the ship
was that?

a dart plucked your heart your eyes c
children aloft between the middles of her embraces
braces she holds the middle card something like that first lover of day dog and night bodies wrapped around it's versing and prosing says she of being broke as hold you hail comedy up

up see daisys__

goes mending

close to the forest




this is yer death

you've become

this character

too much

death's your dying day

like some long lost movie

soda pop drink in all the Americas of your soul

you are American and white and

bending down near the river boat

Oh come on now it's not that hard

to find

language squeezed between the pins

she says holding my arm

faraway she holds it

touches it

from the distance of


I say a Princess?

not some squeezed down

boat in your soul

of America

which is what you anywhere

what you were

what you are






What is Canada?

but the forests' blur

it's America's other brother

in her damp down ways


doesn't matter Rimbaud

no one' ll read this

ghost of the cold

snapped back by the pages of cold and intent

the internaut of love

the nautical of image trying

burst the broken pane of window

be a sinner

you are American


It's a radio space ship calling you back

calling you back sweetie

darling you know these words

are your lips

eyes speaking across time

some pediment of flesh?

is that it darling dagger of

your feisted off body that

marks off a trail

then radios in

come take me now

you foolish boy

all these waxes yes or no

make the thimble weak

radio stereo car of

that abomindable word

the love clap

the love clasp

you know it

and I know it too

see it doesn't break

the secret that is your name



nom masculin|||||||||| Dada was a style ofIm BRoGLIo
Sens Confusion, désordre extrême [Familier]. Synonyme imbroglio Anglais muddle

Dado Miodrag Djuric

'Il est connu que le latin obscenus est un mot de la langue des augures : il désigne le mauvais signe, le présage fâcheux. Ce peut être un vol d’oiseaux, des entrailles de poulet, quelque événement insolite, qui se passe du mauvais côté. Encore faut-il s’entendre sur le mauvais côté : ce qui vient du côté gauche (sinister) peut être favorable ou défavorable selon que l’on regarde le sud ou le nord. De quel côté regarder ? Le rituel en décide. Les Étrusques regardaient le sud, les Grecs le nord. De toute manière, est de bon augure ce qui vient de l’est. Le côté de la nuit est fâcheux : obscenus dira-t-on.'

texte de Jean-Toussaint Desanti sur Dado
(see link )

Dado expose ses tableaux et sculptures à Paris dans un espace choisit spécialement par Sébastien Nahon. Jorge Amat avec l'aide de la chef opératrice Élisabeth Prouvot ont filmé cet

évènement pour en garder une trace.

"Une enfance sans valeur exemplaire en Yougoslavie à Cetinje, petite ville du Monténégro. Escapades de gamin dans les collines arides couvertes de romarin, peuplées de chèvres sauvages. Une famille, somme toute banale : un oncle peintre, un autre médecin, une tante Julie, son fils disparu pendant la résistance ; une mère ambitieuse et sévère, un père qui l’est moins. Des souvenirs historiques hantent les mémoires antiques et lui parviennent aux oreilles : ce sont des massacres raffinés subis ou perpétrés (bien avant sa naissance) sous l’occupation turque. La guerre dont on parle et qu’il rencontre au détour d’un chemin sous l’apparence de trois chevaux éventrés pourrissant au soleil. La mort, en image d’Epinal, qui fait rêver : le masque mortuaire d’un cruel et puissant pacha assassiné par les valeureux Monténégrins et conservé sous verre dans un magnifique château. Des impressions fortement reçues, imprimées par hasard, qui plus tard deviendront images obsessionnelles.."

Alice Bellony-Rewald _1973
for more of this essay___
see the link below

Dado expose à Paris filmé par Jorge Amat
envoyé par jorgeamat. -

More Dado Miodrag Djuric works found at the website ___


One can also see that the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (in 1994 the year before his death) wrote a letter to
Miodrag Djuric expressing his admiration for the artist's work.

"J’ai été très heureux quand notre ami commun Gilles Degois m’a apporté le livre . Je n’ai pas cessé de le regarder (mon état de santé me force maintenant à passer par le livre, par la reproduction, mais dans votre cas c’est une telle réussite).
Votre peinture est puissante. Une écriture où la matière est l’homme. Il y a un rapport qui n’appartient qu’à vous, entre les formes-matières ou l’homme-animal, l’invertébré, et les fonds-couleurs qui donnent les pouvoirs de transparence ou de réflexion. Beauté des couleurs.
L’ensemble de votre œuvre telle qu’elle apparaît dans le livre est saisissante. Et il arrive que chez un grand peintre, un tableau qui n’est pas nécessairement le plus parfait induise pour tel ou tel spectateur un rapport personnel et secret qui l’ouvre sur l’ensemble de l’œuvre : ainsi pour moi, la
Crucifixion de 1955. Vous avez inventé un style qui me touche intensément. Croyez à mon admiration très profonde. "

Gilles Deleuze

Crucifixion 1955
La Crucifixion, 1955, huile sur toile 50 × 40 cm.

Gilles Deleuze a envoyé cette lettre à Dado en 1994
Il s’agit de la monographie d’Alain Bosquet
Dado, un univers sans repos (Paris, La Différence, 1991)