black and white and white and black and colour and ...

why the poet looks good in black ?

because as soon as she began to speak, at the same time as she was taught her name, she was taught that her

territory is black. --hélène cixous

how many mirrors, how many machines


(there is real father and literary fathers ~ ___ and the mothers
the mothers, one does not cannot forget _________

but my father's dead, it's been a time and two indeed ~ he's gone to an early grave ~

but the others the poets that 'died' did not die
they went into the sky ___ one of books, words, letters, reveries

her love letters were poems)

rebellious precursor of the dark days, not

like mine
unlike my white skin my "white" hopes

when hope was
Pandora's cheap
last gift

The Fathers The mothers
_________________________in black and white ~
