levity & lambent
Levity Lambent met levity the backward kiss. She came to him backward, her back to him as her arms wanted him to take her when she wasn't looking. It was levity and gravity's encounter arcross the space of desire
"... the music is genius, genial and filled with levity as always."
It is actually a funny typo. It's cute, like a kiss going backards. Maybe I can make a poem with it.
Levity Lambent met levity the backward kiss. She came to him backward, her back to him as her arms wanted him to take her when she wasn't looking. It was levity and gravity's encounter arcross the space of desire
"... the music is genius, genial and filled with levity as always."
It is actually a funny typo. It's cute, like a kiss going backards. Maybe I can make a poem with it.
Schumann - Arabeske, Wilhelm Kempff
Uploaded by Quarouble
Schumann's pathology,
Deleuze Guattari speak of "a note that pursues you, a sound that transfixes you.To entrance, mesmer, hypnotize; seems the tortured
finger also performs this role: a finger that pursues you, a digit that
transfixes you. Returning to Focillon, he concludes his essay in praise of hands by formulating the following contradiction: "The mind rules over the hand; hand rules over"Elle est ce morceau du corps qui ne peut pas ne pas faire signe." Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius< /i>, 1985, 61.Deleuze & Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia,
I would be prepared to agree, but only in a paraphrase which complicates the
symmetry: The mind rules over the hand; when the hand rules, it unrules the mind and
For, hands are.. clammy, slippery, murderous, dexterous, guileless, guilty, left, right,
tied up, clumsy, coordinated, complicit, diddlers, masturbators, fingerers, pokers
sexy sweet, kind, clutching, squeezing, tender, palpers, caressers,
libidinous erotic, pencil strewn
plodders, prodders, squeezers, squirters, poppers, scratchers, strokers, screechers,
>wagerers, gesticulators, manipulators, wavers, handlers, punchers, caressersgrabbers, thumpers, idlers, fingerprinters, fingerprinted, friskers, frottagers, nailed,
feeler-uppers, back scratchers ...
ye s ye sy es but who ever Wrote this Forgot
that there are hands which
Write the Hands which write....
kind hands which write words which fly.. to love's heart
its shelter it s abandonment
dirty, innocent, verbose, gossipers, riddled, jointed, elegant, nervous, impatient,
are hungry clutching randy,
amputated, stubby, bulbous, clenched, clutchers, fists, rocks, paper, scissors, hurlers,
hunters, shushers, deviants, guides, possessed, demanding, ringed, tattooed, tobaccoed,
arthritic, ambidextrous, ambagious, lepers, sculptors, carnivores, signers, slappers,
crooks, alter boys, mothers, lovers
wrestlers, musicians, writers, scribblers, triggerers, cuffed, articulated, crac
what was produced was already
molecular child, a molecular woman... ATP 308
18th c.boogie woogie
I was born in the 18 th century. I was a poet then. back in England Ireland, trembling the streets of .
dancer daughter
lover laughter.
in your arms
bracelet a dancing dear
18th century classical boogie-woogie
18th century classical boogie-woogie
I was born in the 18 th century. I was a poet then. back in England Ireland, trembling the streets of .
dancer daughter
lover laughter.
in your arms
bracelet a dancing dear
06 Nov 2007
schumann etc
Category: Writing and Poetry
given time and desire i''d work this up for something in Brim
i put everything in poesie et ecriture. because so , well these other boxes, or categories appear lame, and rigid.
Schumann - Arabeske, Wilhelm Kempff
Uploaded by Quarouble
Schumann's pathology,
>Deleuze Guattari speak of "a note that pursues you, a sound that transfixes you.To entrance, mesmer, hypnotize; seems the tortured
finger also performs this role: a finger that pursues you, a digit that
transfixes you. Returning to Focillon, he concludes his essay in praise of hands by formulating the following contradiction: "The mind rules over the hand; hand rules over"Elle est ce morceau du corps qui ne peut pas ne pas faire signe." Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius< /i>, 1985, 61.Deleuze & Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia,
I would be prepared to agree, but only in a paraphrase which complicates the
symmetry: The mind rules over the hand; when the hand rules, it unrules the mind and
For, hands are.. clammy, slippery, murderous, dexterous, guileless, guilty, left, right,
tied up, clumsy, coordinated, complicit, diddlers, masturbators, fingerers, pokers
sexy sweet, kind, clutching, squeezing, tender, palpers, caressers,
libidinous erotic, pencil strewn
plodders, prodders, squeezers, squirters, poppers, scratchers, strokers, screechers,
>wagerers, gesticulators, manipulators, wavers, handlers, punchers, caressersgrabbers, thumpers, idlers, fingerprinters, fingerprinted, friskers, frottagers, nailed,
feeler-uppers, back scratchers ...
ye s ye sy es but who ever Wrote this Forgot
that there are hands which
Write the Hands which write....
kind hands which write words which fly.. to love's heart
its shelter it s abandonment
dirty, innocent, verbose, gossipers, riddled, jointed, elegant, nervous, impatient,
amputated, stubby, bulbous, clenched, clutchers, fists, rocks, paper, scissors, hurlers,
hunters, shushers, deviants, guides, possessed, demanding, ringed, tattooed, tobaccoed,
arthritic, ambidextrous, ambagious, lepers, sculptors, carnivores, signers, slappers,
crooks, alter boys, mothers, lovers
wrestlers, musicians, writers, scribblers, triggerers, cuffed, articulated, crac
what was produced was already
molecular child, a molecular woman... ATP 308
1:54 - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
levity & lambent
Category: Writing and Poetry
Levity Lambent met leviyt the backward kiss. She came to him backward, her back to him as her arms wanted him to take her when she wasn't looking. It was levity and gravity's encounter arcross the space of desire
"... the music is genius, genial and filled with leviyt as always."
It is actually a funny typo. It's cute, like a kiss going backards. Maybe I can make a poem with it.
yes, this can become a fiction.
12:14 - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
05 Nov 2007
these lovers
Category: Writing and Poetry
tell me your secrets. lover.
tellme your dream
yer perfidy. its that a true lie. a swinging lie. between two sheets. our bodies. leap across the geology. or some narcotic space of wanting. she wears his sheets to bed. so when they arrive, when they really get there, down and dirty, then love'll arrive, like a welfare check, like a war.
then after they done doing all the body surf and stuff when they get to be crawling animals over one another, afterwards
le calme
le calme
then they can start the beauty over again.
4:09 - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
must beauty
Category: Writing and Poetry
Must beauty, she says to me ~~ smiles
in the metro lost in the apocaylpse of now,
the war never ending _ her body
a lightening feather of death ~
- but pessissm 's gone
in smoke the smoke of the hour
like ashes to a tray, an old lover's lies.
but these knees I pray on
to your song and your hair tied back,
are not lies
just a poor man's begging
Begging the air for your song.
Shapes and thoughts.. as wending her body sauntered off. This beauty harder than night
stone coal
As the other lies in the wrong end of the
air. WHere does it go?
Her hands.I think of them.
All mywords are on parole. My mottoe for a long time.
So then, this is just exercise. Practice. Getting the bow ready. The mind, and fingers, the keyboard.
4:00 - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
04 Nov 2007
Category: Writing and Poetry
Posted by Picasa
I think I put this one eitherbrim
or as per above
crossing here
Poetry Art at boundary.brim
this this thiSAsbeen~many hsthis bee ~m n a
this thiSAsbeen~many hsthis bee ~m
n any ~
this haswasaroundyerarss
crossing here was crossing t
sing her
7:20 - 4 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
03 Nov 2007
Deleuze (:) Guattari
Here are the comments of the youtube editor about this deleuzeguattari video.. excerpt...
La réponse est simple: 68, c'est l'intrusion du Devenir. On a voulu y voir parfois le règne de l'Imaginaire... Ce n'est absolument pas imaginaire. C'est une bouffée de réel à l'état pur. C'est le réel. C'est, tout d'un coup, le réel qui arrive. Alors les gens ne comprennent pas. Ils ne reconnaissent pas. Ils se disent : "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?". Les gens réels, enfin ! Les gens dans leur réalité ! Ca a été prodigieux ! Et qu'est-ce que c'était, les gens dans leur réalité ? Et bien: c'est le devenir... Alors, il pouvait y avoir de mauvais devenirs, tout ça... Que les historiens n'aient pas bien compris, c'est forcé ! Je crois tellement à la différence entre l'Histoire et le Devenir ! C'était un devenir révolutionnaire sans avenir de révolution. Alors, on peut toujours s'en moquer, une fois que c'est passé. C'était des phénomènes de pur devenir qui ont pris les gens. Même des devenirs animaux, même des devenirs enfants, même des devenirs femmes des hommes, des devenirs hommes de femmes, tout ça... C'est ce domaine si particulier autour duquel on tourne depuis le début de nos questions: qu'est-ce que c'est au juste qu'un devenir ? En tous cas, c'est l'intrusion du devenir, 68."
Added: October 23, 2007